  • 學位論文


A Study on the Performance and Educational Activities of Hsinchu Beiguan Art Troupe

指導教授 : 林鋒雄


本研究主要在探討「竹塹北管藝術團」這個北管子弟團形成的因素,希望透過現代民間戲劇社團存續所需經費與人力的分析,和新竹都城隍廟所支持的演藝活動回顧,子弟團演藝活動與廟宇合作與依附,探討北管子弟團與廟宇之間的合作與依附關係。 建立清代至今新竹市各北管子弟團的演變史,尋訪新竹市各北管子弟軒社昔日成員,探討新竹北管的分合因素。再從振樂軒復演、新竹北管戲曲促進會和竹塹北管藝術團的成立,說明新竹市各北管子弟團整併的歷程。 分析竹塹北管藝術團成員的宗教信仰、藝術休閒生活和社交人脈,探討過去北管子弟團的組成因素,是否為促成竹塹北管藝術團的形成原因。 最後從竹塹北管藝術團的師承追溯、組織成員、傳承現況和各項計劃中,分析探討竹塹北管藝術團對北管藝術傳習保存的貢獻與價值。 竹塹北管藝術團,是一個「民間自發成立」、「非營利」、「由士農工商各行業子弟於閒暇時參與」的民間社團。這個社團的成立,在經費方面由新竹都城隍廟支持贊助,在人力方面,不但廣納新竹市北管子弟團的成員,更延續了新竹「振樂軒」和「新竹市北管戲曲促進會」,在校園傳承北管藝術。「竹塹北管藝術團」每年五場以上的北管子弟戲,不但到各縣市發表演出,更到對岸文化交流。本論文希望能夠發揮廣泛的影響力,帶動其他縣市地區的廟宇與表演團體效法,並進而受到政府部門及學術界對北管戲曲的注意與重視。


This research is probing into the factors how Hsinchu Beiguan Art Troupe is formed and also searching the cooperative relationship between this Beiguan ensemble and the temple through the analysis of funds and manpower of the modern folk drama club, the recollecting of those performance activities supporting by Hsinchu City God Temple Du. The research is inquiring into the factors of cooperation and devision among the Beiguan ensembles in Hsinchu city by collecting the developmental history of every Beiguan ensemble in Hsinchu city from Ching Dynasty till now and interviewing the former members of every Beiguan ensemble in Hsinchu city. The research is explaining the combination processes of every Beiguan ensemble in Hsinchu city by means of replaying of Zhen Le Hsuan, the establishing of Hsinchu City Association for the Promotion of Bei-Guan Opera and Hsinchu Beiguan Art Troupe. The research is also analyzing the religions, art leisure life and social intercourse of Hsinchu Beiguan Art Troupe members to find out the reasons why the members organize Hsinchu Beiguan Art Troupe. Finally, the research is analyzing the contributions and values of Hsinchu Beiguan Art Troupe toward the performance and educational activities of Beiguan Art. Hsinchu Beiguan Art Troupe is a folk organization which is established by members spontaneously with no profit-making purposes. In financial problems of establishing , Hsinchu City God Temple Du sponsors a lot. In manpower resources problems, they absorb a lot of members from every Beiguan ensemble in Hsinchu city and they last the performance and educational activities of Beiguan Art in schools. Hsinchu Beiguan Art Troupe performs Bei-guan Opera five times every year from Taiwan to Mainland China. The research is for the purpose of encouraging the temples and performance groups in other counties, further more hoping that the authorities and academia can pay more attention to the performance and educational activities of Beiguan Art.


