  • 學位論文


The Effect of Land Use Change on Ecosystem Services ─ A Case Study of Taiwan's Western Coastal Plain

指導教授 : 黃書禮


在都市化的快速發展下,人口成長最驚人的地區主要位於沿海的大城市,各種土地使用活動趨於複雜,恣意的開發蔓延使生態資源受到破壞與耗損。然而在整個生態體系中,都市猶如一個生物體,他必須仰賴外界資源的輸入與輸出而維持其循環與運作。都市發展直接造成土地使用變遷,土地使用改變又影響了生態系統的變化,這些人口密度高的海岸平原城市將受到環境變遷的最大衝擊。國際各研究組織紛紛體認到這樣的因果循環關係與關鍵的人類活動影響,在全球環境變遷衝擊下,著手進行各種跨領域的研究合作與課題探討,全球土地使用變遷以及生態系統服務功能的變化亦逐漸成為大家關注的重要一環。 台灣為一個亞熱帶海島型國家,受水文與生態系統循環等作用影響極為深切,尤其台灣地狹人稠,大部份人口與都市發展都聚集於西部海岸平原,土地使用的快速變遷、都市周邊的過度發展與零碎蔓延,將使台灣西海岸平原豐富的自然生態資源不斷消耗,降低生態系統所能提供給都市地區之服務功能。因此本研究以1995年內政部地政司與2006年內政部國土測繪中心之全國土地利用調查為基礎資料,結合生態能值分析觀念,運用地理資訊系統(Arc GIS)空間分析功能進行計算與疊圖分析,以探討近十年間台灣西海岸平原土地使用變化下,生態系統服務能力在空間中的變化情形,除了瞭解生態系統服務功能對都市地區以及整個西海岸平原的貢獻與重要性,更瞭解當前土地使用型態於環境中之衝突,以期於生態系統維護與未來土地使用空間規劃決策上提供參考。


As a result of rapid urbanization, the most rapid population growing areas are mainly located in coastal cities, and the land use activities tend to be complex. The urban sprawl has resulted in the damage and depletion of ecological resources. From the ecosystem point of view, the city is just like an organism that it must rely on input and output of external resources to maintain its metabolic process. Urban development directly causes land use changes, which subsequently impact ecosystem. Those cities with high population density in the coastal plain are likely to be affected by severe environmental change. Under the impact of global environmental change, many international research organizations have realized such causal relationship and the significant effect of human activities, and have begun to undertake a variety of interdisciplinary researches and discussions. Global land use changes and changes in ecosystem service functions have gradually received public attention. Taiwan is a sub-tropical island which is deeply affected by the hydrologic cycle and ecological system. Taiwan is heavily populated, and the majority of the population and urban development are concentrated in Taiwan’s western coastal plain. Rapid changes of land use and the over-exploitation and urban sprawl in the peri-urban areas will lead to resulted in the over consumption of natural resources in Taiwan’s western coastal plain and the loss of ecosystem services to urban areas. This research is based on the land use of 1995 and 2006 and the concept of ecological energetic analysis, and the application of Geographical Information System for spatial analysis. This research discusses the spatial changes of ecosystem services due to the change of land use in Taiwan’s western coastal plain during the past decades. In addition to understanding the contribution and importance of ecosystem service function for urban areas and the entire western coastal plain, a better understanding of the conflict of current land use patterns in the environment is discussed. The results of the research can provide references for ecosystem management and the decision of land-use and spatial planning in the future.


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