  • 學位論文



指導教授 : 呂育誠


民營化伴隨而來係人力、組織架構、經營型態等變化,尤其員工原具有公務人員身分,其身分及工作環境轉變使得員工心態及行為亦隨同之轉變,民營化浪潮勢不可擋,企業應如何順應及善用此趨勢,進而掌握員工認同及行為表現,以達成組織目標及創造超額效益,為民營化後組織應重視議題,基於民營化本著目的為活化組織及提升經營效能,並考量銀行經營有賴大量人力資本創造,用人以心理層面勝於外在條件供給,故惟有藉助提升員工組織認同感以達有效影響員工作為。 本論文係以首家民營化金融機構彰化商業銀行為例,藉由採用學者梁雙蓮(1984)指出休戚感、牽連感、忠誠感及疏離感為研究構面及Katz & Kahn(1966, 1978)之觀點,一個高績效組織中員工,必須具備三種主要行為:維持行為、順從行為及主動行為之間關聯性為研究架構,研究方法主要採文獻分析法及問卷調查法,另輔以深度訪談法方式進行,兼以理論與實務之印證分析,針對不同晉用時期員工進行分析研究,藉由本論文研究發現如下: 一、 組織認同層面 (一) 影響員工組織認同感差異處: 1. 組織認同係來自於成員對組織涉入情形多寡,員工透過久任於組織之中,在時間潛移默化、情感付出及時間投入,使得對組織產生高度休戚感。 2. 基於功利性之成本考量,員工難以捨棄目前已獲得地位與薪等,而稀少性報償即本著握有對組織之決策、尊榮及權力等之價值性,故對於公營時期員工而言,於工作中被重視地位也使得產生較高之認同。 3. 對於公營時期員工,考量本身年紀、技能及相關求職條件下,無法在外獲得與現在可供抗衡之工作環境及薪資水準。 (二) 相同處 1. 基於個人與組織之間具有互利交換關係,依據交換關係之基礎,當員工在組織內部投入及換取地位性價值越來越多,使得員工不輕易離開現行職務,而對於扮演工作重要性影響亦是影響因素之一。 2. 當組織成員感受到組織內部有良好組織氣候影響員工對工作滿意表現,公營時期組織文化背景間接協助營造出良善職場環境,有利於員工對組織產生正面依附之休戚感,有鑒於目前該行仍延續公營時期職場氛圍,以致員工對此氛圍感同身受。 3. 彰化銀行歷經民營化變革,及金控公司入股等組織背景之下,另適逢該行修訂「彰化商業銀行員工輪調管理辦法」納入總行管理單位人員之適用性,人事缺乏相對於過往穩定度。 4. 員工若知覺組織具有聲譽對於組織認同是有正向幫助關係,因員工為組織奉獻,成員透過分享組織聲望與權威,有助於個人增強及自我擴張,換句話說,企業形象或社會地位拉抬給予外界較佳觀感,進而影響員工對組織產生正向認同。 二、 表現行為層面 (一) 順從行為難以作為判定員工表現準則。 (二) 工作兼具保障性及挑戰性有利於維持行為。 (三) 主動行為僅止於個人自我要求階段。 三、 組織認同與表現行為之間關聯性 (一) 順從行為與疏離感具有正向顯著性。 (二) 維持行為與休戚感、忠誠感及牽連感具有正向顯著性。 (三) 主動行為與休戚感、忠誠感及牽連感具有正向顯著性。 綜合前述研究發現,公營銀行民營化對於組織最大利基係提供一群對於組織具有認同感及其認同感也影響員工正向行為表現,而此階層員工對於組織之認同主要以休戚感為主,但民營化後銀行組織亦也存在一大隱憂,民營化後招募員工相對對於組織認同感及行為表現較顯薄弱及缺乏主動性及忠誠感。鑑於本研究可提供作為本國民營化銀行作為借鏡及人員管理上之參考,故對於員工組織認同感提升作為,排除員工本質上差異,應著重內外環境面改善,從內維護既有職場關係並予以加強提升,從外注重組織經營績效及企業形象之營造,以符合實施民營化所欲達成目的及綜效。


After privatization, manpower, organizational structure, management style, etc. are also changed accordingly, especially when previously the employees were public servants, but afterwards their identity and work environment were changed, their mentality and behavior also changed. The wave of privatization is unstoppable. How enterprises conform and take advantage of this trend, and then grasp staff’s sense of identity and behavior in order to achieve organizational goals and create excess benefit is the issue needed to pay attention to after the privatization of organizations. Based on the purpose of privatization we need to activate organization and enhance operating performance. We also take considerations that banks depend on a lot of human capital to creation, by employing psychological level is better than external supply, it is only by enhancing employees' organizational identity we can achieve effectively influence on employee’s behaviors. In this thesis, we take the first privatized financial institution, Chang Hwa Commercial Bank as an example and from what scholar Liang Shuanglian (1984) pointed out the sense of cohesion, involvement, loyalty and alienation as the study’s aspect together with the view of Katz & Kahn (1966, 1978). In a highly performance organization, employees must equip with the following three main behaviors: maintaining behavior, submissive behavior and initiative behavior. We use correlation between the above behaviors as study framework and our research method is mainly adopt document analysis and questionnaire methods, supplemented with in-depth interviews to confirm and analyze both the theory and practice. Our analysis aimed at different hiring period of employees and the thesis findings are as follows: I. Organizational Identity (1) Impact Affecting Employee’s Organizational Identity Differences 1. Organizational identification comes from the member’s involvement to the organizations. Through being a long time in the organization, emotion and time invested, employee has a high degree of cohesion in organization. 2. Based on the cost of the utilitarian considerations, the staff is difficult to discard the current status and salary obtained etc. The scarcity reward means they hold the organization's decision-making, honor, and power etc. values, therefore employees at public sectors had higher recognition at their job position. 3. Employees at public sector period would take their age, skills and related job conditions into consideration and the fact they could not obtained the same working environment and compensation levels available outside. (2) Similarities 1. Based on mutually beneficial exchange relationship between the individual and the organization, when employees put more inputs in the organization and gain more and more positional value, so employees do not easily leave the existing duties, which play a important part of impacting work factors 2. When the organization members felt within the organization it has a good organizational climate and will affect the performance of the employee’s job satisfaction, organizational culture of the public sector’s background indirectly helped to create a the goodness workplace environment conducive to the staff of the organization to generate positive dependence of cohesion in view of it still continues the public sector’s workplace atmosphere, so that the staff can feel the same atmosphere. 3. After Chang Hwa Bank’s privatization reform, and with financial holding company share’s background, coincided with the bank’s amendment of “Chang Hwa Commercial Bank Staff Rotation Management Approach" which included all staff in the head office’s personnel management resulted in unstable personnel compared with the past. 4. If employees feel the organization has a good reputation, they will have positive identification with the organization because when employees are dedicated to the organization, by sharing organizational prestige and authority, it will also contribute staff members’ personal enhancement and self-aggrandizement. In other words, when the corporate image or social status gives a better perception to the outside world, it will affect the employee’s positive identity to the organization. II. Performance Behavior (1) Submissive behavior is difficult to be a criterion as determining staff performance. (2) The work of both affordable and challenging behavior is conducive to maintaining behaviors. (3) Active behavior is only limited at self requirement stage. III. The Correlation between Organizational Identification and Performance Behavior (1) Submissive behavior has a significant positive alienation. (2) Maintaining behavior, cohesion, sense of loyalty and involvement all have a positive significance. (3) Active behavior and cohesion, sense of loyalty and involvement have a positive significance. Concluded from the aforementioned, the study found that in the public sector bank’s privatization, the biggest niche for the organization is to provide a group of people with a sense of identity for the organization and their sense of identity also affects employees’ positive behavior. This level of staff for the organization is mainly based on cohesion, but it is also a major concern for the organization after privatization of the bank. The staff recruited after privatization is relatively weaker in organizational identity and behavior performance. They lack of initiative and sense of loyalty. This study provides a reference for local bank’s privatization and personnel management. We enhance organizational identity, exclude staff essentially differences and focus on the internal and external environmental improvement and from maintenance of existing relationships in the workplace within and efforts to enhance the focus on organizational and operational performance and create corporate image from the outside in order to comply with the implementation of privatization’s intended purpose and synergy.




