  • 學位論文


The study of labor participation behavior affected by micro-factors

指導教授 : 蘇聖珠
共同指導教授 : 施葦(WEI SHIH)


勞動力為國家主要之經濟資源,它可以用來生產財貨與勞務,若未能善加運用,對個人與社會而言,皆是一種損失。勞動參與狀態可區分為勞動力與非勞動力,其中勞動力狀況又可分為就業與失業,失業率向來為重要之社會經濟指標,失業將造成家庭所得來源中斷或減少,失業者及其家人之生活水準被迫降低,甚或進而影響社會安定。故此,雖然各國在總體經濟政策面,依其時空背景有不同規劃,但在勞動市場則無不以降低失業率、提高生產力、提升勞動參與率及創造工作機會作為永續努力目標。我國失業率較歐美國家雖不嚴重,但近年來隨著經濟發展程度提高,產業結構變動,結構性失業之情況值得重視。 本研究之目的為探究人口因子影響勞動參與狀態之模型,採用2006年及2007年行政院主計處「人力資源調查」及「人力運用調查」資料庫之資料,將每年約6萬筆調查資料,萃取出15歲以上民間人口(不含現役軍人及監管人口)資料,再依國際勞動組織定義,萃取出非勞動力及勞動力(包括就業及失業)、非自願離職及有偶婦女勞動參與之人口變數,包括性別、年齡、教育程度、婚姻狀況、子女狀況、居住地區、前職行業別、前職職業別因子影響情形。 利用邏輯斯迴歸(Logistic regression)方法建立勞動相關模型,模型一為失業模型,以就業者為參照組,比較失業與就業狀態之影響因子;模型二為非自願離職模型,以自願性離職者為參照組,比較非自願離職與自願離職之影響因子;模型三為有偶婦女勞動參與模型,以有偶之非勞動力之婦女為參照組,比較勞動意願之影響因子。 研究結果顯示性別、年齡層、教育程度、婚姻狀況變數對於就業、失業與否,具有顯著影響,地區別則無顯著差異。影響失業者自願或非自願離職因素,主要係年齡層、教育程度及前職行業、職業變數,性別、婚姻狀況及地區別則無顯著影響。有偶婦女勞動參與模型研究結果顯示,年齡層、教育程度、子女狀況、地區別變數對於其勞動狀態選擇,具有顯著影響。


Labor force is one of the most important economy resources for a country. It can produce goods and service. If the labor force can’t be used proporly, it would be a loss of the individuals and the society. Labor participation status refers to in labor force and not in labor force. Labor force includes the employed and the unemployed. The unemployment rate is an important indicator of social economy. The unemployment will influence the substance of the family. Furthermore, it may impact the stability of the society. Lots of countries make efforts to lower the unemployment rate and try to increase the labor force participation rate. The unemployment rate in Taiwan is 3.9% in year 2006. However, the service industry affects the structure of the unemployment. The purpose of this study is to find factors affecting labor participation status, by using data collected by government’s manpower survey which were conducted by DGBAS. We select the civilian population of aged 15 and over and classify them into labor force (including employed or unemployed) and not in labor force based on the definition of ILO. The the individual characteristics including gender, age, education level, marital status, children’s age, living area and work experience (industry and occupation) are used as explanatory variables lator on. Three models are established by logistic regression analysis in this study. Model I is an unemployment event model, discussing the factors affecting employment and unemployment. Model II is an involuntary unemployment event model. The factors affect voluntariness of unemployment is studied. Model III is a labor participation model for married woman. It is used to explain their choice of participating in labor force or not in labor force. The results show that factors such as gender, age, education level have effects on the unemployment rate, but not by living area. Involuntary unemployment event is affected by age, education level and work experience. The labor force participation rate of married woman is affected by age, education level, children’s age and living area.


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