  • 學位論文


The study of successful management strategies for newly established hot spring hotel

指導教授 : 古永嘉


近年來,越來越多民眾會到溫泉酒店住宿、泡湯、用餐及SPA,作為週休二日的休閒娛樂活動,因此溫泉酒店也如雨後春筍般的出現。本研究的目的是在探討新創溫泉酒店之關鍵成功因素,並擬定其長、短期經營策略方針,協助業者建立穩健競爭優勢。透過深度訪談之質化研究及公司外部環境與內部資源等全方位的企業診斷,獲得以下結論:溫泉酒店有別於都會型觀光酒店,其因素主要性依序為:市場區隔、產品定位、品牌經營、目標市場、教育訓練、行銷策略及作業管理,都需要有特殊的管理與規劃的能力,才能使新創溫泉酒店事業邁向成功經營之路。 建議業者未來應對教育訓練、行銷策略及作業管理與予強化,形成差異化競爭以提升企業經營之競爭優勢,達到永續經營的目的。


More and more people spend their weekend on hot spring hotel for accommodation, bath, meal, and SPA, and consequently the hot spring hotel springs up (like mushrooms) in recent years. The purpose of this research is to provide the key point for all newly establish hot spring hotels to help these operators to create a sustainable competitive advantage via both long-term and short-term management strategies. After the in-depth interviews of qualitative analysis and the comprehensive management consultant, including external environment and internal resources, of a company, we have the following conclusion: The operations and management of hot spring hotel is different from city sightseeing hotel in many aspects, such as market segmentation, product positioning, brand management, target, training, markets mix and operations management are all factors. In order to be successful, the special management and planning capability are essential to be known for all newly established hot spring hotel. Based on the analysis, we recommend the operators to focus on training, markets mix, and operations management to perform the differentiation competition, and finally enhance the industry competition to achieve the aim of sustainable management.


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