  • 學位論文


Research on Advertisement Effects under the Advertising Appeals: Time Pressure and Advertisement Context as Moderator Variable.

指導教授 : 方文昌 趙慕芬 洪大為


本篇研究針對觀看廣告時消費者的心理及周遭環境做研究。企業藉由廣告操弄消費者的情緒,來影響觀眾的廣告態度和購買意願,但是當企業面臨「播放哪一類型廣告?」、「在何時段播放何種廣告?」等這些決策關鍵時,由於評估資訊的不正確,而導致決策失敗,也因此本研究在此背景下發展而生。實驗情境為2 (廣告訴求;理性或感性) by 2 (時間壓力:高或低) by 2 (廣告情境:明亮或昏暗),使用多變量統計分析(Multivariate Statistical Analysis)做為分析工具。因為我們選擇的汽車廣告,所以目標族群應該為有經濟能力的上班族而非學生,並且為了能準確操弄時間壓力,我們必須選擇有上下課情境的受訪者,所以受測樣本為國內C保險公司中正在接受教育訓練課程的業務員。從研究結果中顯示大部分的消費者對於電視廣告的廣告內容仍然是偏好感性訴求,並且發現「感動」元素將能吸引消費者。尤其在播放廣告時燈光較昏暗的地方,像是電影院,或是晚上等,都能增加消費者對廣告的好感度,但是當消費者心中有時間壓力的影響因素存在時,將會降低對感性訴求的廣告態度及注意力,反而是提升了理性訴求的廣告效果,雖然感性的廣告效果仍高於理性,但是也可顯示出消費者在有時間壓力下心情比較無法受感動,情緒較不受干擾,行為容易偏向理性思考。因此對企業主而言,特定類型的廣告確實會引發觀眾特定的反應,情緒上的反應也證實了可以影響個人的判斷。


This study focuses on the consumer's changing in mood while watching the advertisement in both psychologically and environmental surroundings differences. Enterprises use advertisement to control consumer’s emotions, which affects the consumer’s attitude toward advertisement and purchase intention. But when the enterprise faces the questions of "Which type of advertisement are shown?”, “Which period of time of the advertisements are shown?" and related questions, these key decisions often lack of objective credential's related study. Thus, the development of this study is caused by this kind of background. An experiment was a 2 (Advertising Appeals; rational appeals or emotional appeals) by 2 (Time Pressure; high or low) by 2 (Ad Context; bright or dark) mixed design. This study uses multivariate statistical analysis to analyze the data. The samples of research regarding auto advertisement are targeted on wealthy economical employees instead of students. In order to control the time pressure precisely, we must select the respondent with the behavior of beginning and finishing of the course study. Therefore, the sample of data in this study was obtained from the domestic C insurance company’s sale persons that are under the educational training. According to the study result which shows that most consumers favors emotional appeal on the TV advertisement context and found that "touching" element is attractive to audience. Consumers have a higher level of impression on the advertisements when they watch the ads at a darker environment such as the theater or at the night and etc. The consumers will lower the advertising attitude and attention or emotional appeal under the time pressure. Therefore, enterprise thought specialized type of advertisement will appeal audience's specific reaction.


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