  • 學位論文


Identification and Discussion of Critical Issues for Corporate Green Inventory Management

指導教授 : 李育明


本研究係以生命週期評估為主軸,分析與生命週期相關之國際規範與條文或盤查工具之內容與資料架構,並利用文獻回顧及專家訪談與討論,最後整理出企業綠色盤查之相關圖表與建議。 本研究資料來源為藉由ISO 14040、ISO 14041、ISO 14044、ISO 14025、ISO 14045、ISO 14047、PAS 2050、ISO 14048以及國內碳標籤指引等指令條文之要求,依據產品類別規則(PCR, Product Category Rules)的制訂,所衍生展開之評估報告資料進行分析比對與統計調查之研究。 本研究利用條文指令之要求與盤查工具之資料庫分析其各種條文要求報告所需之資料內容,以矩陣表之方式展開,並制訂其矩陣表之分類說明以及尋求幾位專家學者之訪談,多方面聽取對於這些指令於報告要求面以及矩陣表分類之建議,並提出進行各類報告要求資料廣範與深淺度探討,再將其建議事項分類統計之修正,彙整出完整之各類生命週期相關報告之資料需求矩陣表,提供企業綠色盤查時可得較系統化之資訊。 本研究經過資料整理與專家訪談之資料彙整之後,產出企業綠色盤查矩陣與系統等級表,提供相關人員對於綠色相關系統指令推行之參考,另外也產出能源及物質類別之綠色盤查表,透過本次研究之拋磚引玉工作,期望更多之參與建立出符合各產業之綠色盤查系統資訊。


This thesis, basically on Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), analyzes international regulations and clauses about the concept of life cycle or the contents as well as information structures of the inventory tools. In the paper, we make a review of literatures and Experts’ opinions to organize a corporate green inventory, in which relevant graphics and suggestions are listed. This thesis is the analysis and statistical study of the data in the evaluation reports according to Product Category Rules (PCR). The sources in this study are also based on the guidelines of ISO 14040, ISO 14041, ISO 14044, ISO 14025, ISO 14045, ISO 14047, PAS 2050, ISO 14048 and the guidelines of the clauses of the directives of the Carbon Label in Taiwan. The standards of the directives and the database of inventory tools are applied to analyze the contents of the information provided in a variety of clauses. The results also are illustrated in the Matrix lists. Such Matrix lists are verified with the experts’ interviews and their suggestions on detectives and the categorization of the Matrix lists. Besides, a discussion is brought up after a thorough investigation on data is made; a complete information-demanded matrix about different life cycle reports is generated, which provides corporations with more systematic information while conducting a corporate green inventory. In this thesis, while a corporate green inventory identification matrix list and the system degree list are presented as the reference to promote green system directives, a green inventory list on energy and material categorization is also presented with a hope of the establishment of the green inventory which is suitable to different fields.


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4. Environ. Sci. Technol.(2008) "Life Cycle Assessment of Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Plug-in Hybrid Vehicles: Implications for Policy ", CONSTANTINESAMARAS and KYLEMEISTERLING


