  • 學位論文


Fear of Crime among Female Therapists Treating Sex Offenders

指導教授 : 周愫嫻


性侵害犯罪人社區處遇女性治療師,接觸性侵害犯罪人的頻率較一般民眾為高,被治療個案犯行多以女性為主、累再犯比例偏高、年紀青壯年之男性,在治療機構與其他輔助資源不足(如:警衛、硬體等),可能使治療師暴露於被害情境之下,間接加深治療師的被害恐懼感。本研究主要目的有二:(1)女性治療人員在治療性侵害犯罪人時犯罪被害恐懼感之自我覺察。(2)分析女性治療人員治療性侵害犯罪人時犯罪被害恐懼感之產生因素。 本文研究方法為「問卷調查法」,以全國女性治療師為問卷調查對象,回收有效樣本總計71份。研究結果發現,女性治療師的專業身分以社工人員與臨床心理師佔多數,教育程度以大學以上畢業者居多,多數治療師為被指派參與,年齡大多介於26歲至45歲之間。研究發現社工人員被害恐懼最高,軍方醫院專業人員被害恐懼最高,其次是私立醫院,公立醫院最低;年齡與被害恐懼差異來源為31歲至40歲大於41歲至50歲。在治療情境中,愈不擔心自己成為受害者、愈不害怕閱聽案情被害恐懼感愈低;機構、家人支持度高、專業訓練愈多則被害恐懼感愈低;治療時移情作用愈多,愈在乎性侵害犯罪人的特殊性,則被害恐懼感愈高;治療場所未設有監視器或治療處所位置不明顯,被害恐懼感也愈高。 研究主要建議為:(1) 治療環境安全之標準化。(2) 治療人員之職業安全教育訓練。(3)減少被治療者移情作用。(4)注意治療師個人安全資料的維護。(5)增加機構對治療師的關心與支持。(6) 落實性侵害業務治療師的認證制度。(7) 固定的治療處所


In community therapy for sex offender, female therapists meet with sex offenders at a much higher frequency than the general public. Targets of these sex offenders are mainly female, and the percentage of repeat offendingr is high. In addition, treatment institutions and other auxiliary resources (such as guarding and surveillance hardware) are insufficient. Under these circumstances therapists may be at high risk. There are two main purposes in this study: (1) to investigate female therapists’ self awareness about fear of crime when they treat sex offenders, and (2) to investigate the factors leading to fear of crime when female therapists treat sex offenders. This study utilized the “questionnaire survey” method and investigated female therapists in Taiwan. The sample was 71 people. Female therapists were mostly made up of social workers and clinical psychologists, their education level were mostly university or above, most female therapists were assigned to this job, and their ages were mostly between 26 to 45. Results indicate that fear of crime of social workers and professionals at military hospital was the highest, and next was professionals from private hospitals, and fear of crime of professionals from public hospitals was the lowest; for the source of the difference of age and fear of crime, age group 31-40 was higher than 41-50. The less that therapists worried about being victimized, the less they feared hearing details of cases and fear of crime; the more support from institutions and family and training they had, the less that they feared hearing details of cases and fear of crime; the more empathy and care about sex offender’ specific characteristic, the more fear of crime; when there was no monitoring of treatment in the institution or the location of the treatment institution was not easilt observed, then fear of crime was higher. It is recommended that (1) equal safety standards be applied across treatment institutions, (2) further education and training for therapists on safety matters, (3) there be maintenance of appropriate record-keeping on personal safety, (4) care and support from institutions be strengthened for therapists, (5) need to implement the certification system of sex offender therapists, (7) need to have defined treatment institutions.


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