  • 學位論文


Beyond 3G Era of M-Commerce Competitive Environment Research

指導教授 : 陳宗天


隨著行動寬頻技術普及與行動上網服務費率調降的驅動下,不但傳輸頻寬已可跟上固網 xDSL 的傳輸速度,同時行動通訊服務業者紛紛推出行動上網吃到飽方案,培養用戶結合日常網際網路的使用習慣,或是採用更進階的行動商務服務,順勢帶動行動數據的傳輸量與業者營收的成長;另一方面,主要領導行動通訊服務業者亦在行動商務的價值鏈上積極拉進 Google、Yahoo 等知名網際網路業者加入,以及和行動通訊設備製造商合作,一連串異業跨入、融合之跨領域發展的行為,形成各自的聯盟體系,顛覆了傳統行動商務產業的價值鏈。 本研究即以當前3G行動寬頻的主流技術為基礎,來探討後3G時代的政經、社會與技術的轉變對於行動商務未來發展環境的影響,並由行動商務價值鏈做為切入的觀點,找出價值鏈上最主要的四個業者,分別為:行動網路(電信)業者、行動終端設備製造商、平台業者與內容提供者,接著以SWOT與PEST的分析方式,說明其優劣勢、發展機會及外部威脅,並探討行動商務的總體發展環境,最後再分析行動商務三個未來應用與發展的趨勢,分別為適地性服務、消費者即創新者與Mobile 2.0,並嘗試以四家業者的角度,提出可採取的應對發展策略。


3G 行動商務 產業價值鏈 PEST SWOT


As the drive of prevailing broadband technology plus mobile service tariff reduction, bandwidth transmission can be comparable to fixed network xDSL. With unlimited browsing packages from different mobile communication providers, customers insensibly switch their daily Internet habit to mobile network, thus raised the possibility of using advanced mobile service and meanwhile surged data transmission and sales growth. On the other hand, frontier mobile communication operators allied them with well-known Internet providers such as Google, Yahoo, and mobile terminal manufacturers as well as other developed cross-industrial network to play in their M-commerce value chain. This research is based on mainstream technology of 3G mobile wideband to discuss the change in political, economic, social, and technological aspects will cause what kind of influence on M-Commerce development beyond 3G era. Cutting in value chain concept of M-Commerce to reveal the four main operators, which respectively are: mobile network (telecommunication) provider, mobile terminal manufacturer, platform operator, and content provider. Implementing SWOT and PEST analysis to state out its strength, weakness, opportunity, and threat; and discuss the macro environment of M-Commerce development afterwards. At last, three trends of M-Commerce, which are location-based service, prosumer, and mobile 2.0 will be analyzed with the attempt on appropriate developing strategy in the view of the four operators.


3G M-Commerce Industrial Value Chain PEST SWOT


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