  • 學位論文


An Analysis of Taiwan People’s Trust Attitude

指導教授 : 蔡明璋教授


本研究利用2005年「社會意向調查問卷資料」分析個人社會背景因素(族群、政黨傾向、教育程度、全家月收入、就業狀況)、居住地的都市化程度及個人主觀公平感受度,對於制度信任、人際信任的影響。 進行次序logistic迴歸模式分析,發現個人主觀公平感受度,對各面向的人際及制度信任的影響最為顯著且穩定。全家月收入及就業狀況對親人信任產生顯著性正向影響,高教育程度者對鄰居、一般人及記者則傾向採不信任的態度。至於政府信任則發現與族群認同、政黨傾向相關聯。政黨傾向、社經地位者,對於大眾傳播媒體信任的態度產生顯著性影響。都市的異質性環境對人際及制度信任,多未產生顯著性影響,僅對朋友信任有顯著性的差異,居住於高都市化地區相較於未都市化地區者,傾向信任朋友。 研究結論:個人社會背景因素、居住地都市化程度,對於不同層面的人際及制度信任造成不同的影響。僅有個人主觀公平感受度,對各面向的人際及制度信任皆呈現極顯著效果。針對研究結果進行歸納,對理論意涵加以回應,並對未來研究方向給予建議。


This study is based on the questionnaire research of Social Attitude Survey in 2005 to analyze the impacts on Taiwan people’s attitude toward institutional trust and interpersonal trust through various individual factors: 1. Social background, including ethnicity, political orientation, educational level, monthly household income, employment status, 2.Urbanization degree of residence, and 3. Subjective feeling to fairness and justness. This study applies ordered logistic regression analysis. The findings from ORM estimation indicate that strong influences of the subjective feeling to fairness and justness. Monthly household income and employment status have great and positive influence on trust toward family members. People of high educational level are prone to distrust other ordinary people, neighbors, and journalists. Taiwan people’s trust toward government has association with ethnicity and political orientation. Besides, political orientation and socio-economic status has significant impact on trust toward public mass media as well. Urbanization of residence has little influence on institutional trust and interpersonal trust. However, it affects Taiwan people’s trust toward their friends remarkably. Those who live in high-urbanized areas trust their friends more than those living in un-urbanized areas. Conclusion: Individual social background and residence urbanization degree have different impacts on institutional trust and interpersonal trust. However, The findings indicate that strong influences of the subjective feeling to fairness and justness. The concluding section of this paper discusses the theoretical implications and methodological issues of this study.


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翁銘鴻(2014)。探討信任、所得及其他社會資本對生活滿意度的影響 :跨國調查研究〔碩士論文,淡江大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6846/TKU.2014.00124
