  • 學位論文


Impact of Habitat Fragmentation on Conservation Network Planning and Conservation Cost

指導教授 : 錢玉蘭


從工業革命起,世界人口開始大幅的成長,對土地及資源的需求日益增加,土地利用變遷使地表平均溫度增加,及侵害生物的棲息環境,且在全球氣候變遷下,更加重了棲地不足的問題;氣後變遷與棲地破碎化更是使生物多樣性下降的主因。由於氣候變遷經常造成物種棲地改變甚至擴大棲地破碎化而影響物種的生存,因此,本研究考量氣候變遷長期對台灣特有種鳥類棲地的影響後,將最小保育成本的自然保護區網絡模型加入了棲地破碎的因子,使現有特有種鳥類的物種多樣性能夠維持。本研究範圍以台灣本島特有種鳥類做為規劃標的,使用台灣大學李培芬教授空間生態實驗室提供之在氣候變遷下四個時期,台灣特有種鳥類1km×1km網格之預測分布資料。 實證分析使用1×1與2×2的保護區規劃,分別計算三個地區在發生氣候變遷時劃設保護區網絡所增加的成本:(1)陽明山地區:1×1保護區規劃會增加423,607,372元,而2×2保護區規劃因物種到第四期只剩下一種,使其值為無限大。(2)中央山脈北部:1×1保護區規劃增加1,520,747,548元,改以2×2保護區規劃增加15,165,602元。(3)中央山脈南部:1×1保護區規劃增加153,956,700元,改以2×2保護區規劃則會增加51,804,156元。其中以1×1保護區規劃下,區域面積較大、物種數較多且分布較密的中央山脈南部,相較於區域面積小、物種數較少且分布較疏的陽明山地區,前者的保育成本是較低的,可推測物種的分布多樣性較高的地區在進行保護區網絡規劃時,較能節省保育成本,也可推論物種的棲地破碎化程度相對高時,會使保育成本增加。


Since 1850 the global population has been growing fast, human’s need for natural resource and land increase tremendously. However, people’s improper land use and global climate change have lead to natural habitat reduction and fragmentation. Therefore this paper aims to combine theories of ecology and economy to establish a new reserve network planning model. This model helps to choose the reserves network that avoid further fragmentation and implement less conservation land costs. This study applies two models to estimate the conservation costs to maintain current distinction bird biodiversity to three areas in Taiwan-Yangming San National park, Central Mountain Northern Part, and Central Mountain Southern Part. One model does not consider the factor of habitat fragmentation and another does. The research results show that: (1) In Yangming San National Park, the climate change causes the bird species to reduce from 4 to 1 and incur serious habitat fragmentation, thus the conservation costs approach infinite. (2) In Central Mountain Northern Part, the climate change causes the bird habitat to concentrate towards the Central Mountain, but the habitat in this area reduces and makes the conservation costs increase much. (3) In Central Mountain Southern Part, the climate change causes the bird habitat to concentrate towards the Central Mountain and also increase habitat and species density, thus the conservation costs increase less.


Barbier, E.B., J.C. Burgess, C. Folk, 1994. Paradise lost?-The ecological economics of biodiversity. London, Earthscan.
