  • 學位論文


The impact on the legislative productivity of divided government: the case study of the cross-strait issues

指導教授 : 郝培芝


本研究旨在探討分立政府是否影響國會立法生產力,並以政黨重大歧異議題—兩岸相關議題為例。對於分立政府的政府運作效能,學者有認為政策滯塞情形較一致政府嚴重者,也有學者認為不盡然。臺灣在2000年至2008年歷經第一次的分立政府時期,這段期間是否曾出現較一致政府嚴重的政策滯塞之情狀?鑑於分立政府議題對單一政策領域的研究甚少,與兩岸相關議案在臺灣政治的重要性,本研究選擇兩岸相關議案之法案產出為實際檢証面,探討分立政府下的行政與立法運作情況,分取第九屆至第十二屆總統(1996至2010 年)任內的立法院會期作為研究範圍,包含一致與分立政府時期,觀察臺灣的法案產出效能是否受政府型態影響。在研究方法上,以立法院法案審查系統為資料來源,鍵入關鍵字囊括搜尋兩岸相關法案提案數、進入一讀數與通過三讀數,並以描述性統計、獨立樣本T檢定兩種量化研究方法觀察一致與分立政府時期的法案生產力究竟有無顯著差異;同時也以1996至2010年的重要報紙社論篩選兩岸重大法案,並觀察政府型態對兩岸重大法案的立法生產力有無影響。研究發現,平均而言,分立政府的立法生產力較一致政府時期來得弱,但差距並不達到具統計意義的顯著差異性,因此兩者基本上可以說是沒有差異的。若觀察兩岸重要法案的立法生產力,則分立與一致政府的表現出現更大差異,並在不同執政者間出現具統計意義的顯著性;而在研究過程中也發現,領導人樣本的差異與個數,以及兩岸時勢的整體變化,應可納入後續研究,作為進一步細化研究之方向。然本研究囿於時間與人力限制,在研究上尚有許多可改進之處,冀此嘗試能為相關研究人士提供參考,為將來更深入研析之基礎。


This study aimed to explore the impact on the legislation productivity of divided government, and take the cross-strait issues for example of the political significant differences issues. About the government operations for the performance of divided government, some scholars believe that worse than unitied government, some scholars believe that not at all. In 2000-2008, Taiwan face the first period of divided government, whether this period there have been worse government policies situation? Given the studies of divided government issues are not so plentiful, and the importance of cross-strait issues in Taiwan, this study take the legislative productivity on the cross-related issues of divided government and united government (1996-2010) to find the answer. In research methods, the data source from the Legislative Yuan system, we type a keyword search for the related data and use the independent samples T-test and ANOVA analysis to analyze; we have also collected the major newspaper to observe the significant issues on cross-strait. And the study found that average legislative productivity of divided government is more weak than united government, but the gap is not significant to statistically significant differences, so the two can be said is basically no difference. In the important bill, the legislative productivity of divided government has greater difference than united government. And between the different rulers, the significant difference statistically appears. In course of the study also found that leaders of the samples with a difference number and the time change should be included in a future study as a further refinement of research direction. This study limited time and manpower constraints, there are many in the research can be improved. Hope to provide some references for future analysis.


吳重禮,2006,〈憲政設計、政黨政治與權力分立:美國分立政府的運作經驗及其啟示〉,《問題與研究》,45 (3 ):133-166。


