  • 學位論文


A Study on Relationships among Green Marketing Cognition, Green Product Preference, and Green Product Procurement Quantity in Public Sector

指導教授 : 翁興利博士


隨者氣候變化,全球暖化現象敦促各國政府參與並採取行動,綠色產品採購儼然成為生活的一部份。然而,因為綠色產品的價格、種類、效能、通路等等問題,讓綠色產品無法與一般產品競爭。政府的綠色採購法令頒佈後,對於產業行銷行為的影響已漸成為學術界探討的重點,然而目前對此研究的相關學者們對於有關綠色產品的研究大多也僅只於特定幾項物品的調查分析而已,欠缺了全盤性的研究,尤其是針對綠色消費品的消費者行為之調查。目前有關綠色行銷、綠色消費之研究主要係以業界或個別消費者為研究對象,針對綠色行銷認知程度與偏好對於採購量之影響並未作深度之探討。至於公部門使用綠色產品及其採購行為則少有著墨,有鑑於此,本研究期藉由經濟部、環保署及交通部之採購情形並對其機關之公務員為調查對象,補強現有文獻對現行綠色行銷認知程度作進一步之探討。本研究主要探討個人屬性與綠色行銷認知、個人屬性與綠色產品偏好、對綠色行銷的認知與綠色產品偏好、綠色產品偏好程度與綠色產品採購量之相互關係。 本研究針對中央單位及所屬一級單位之公務員作抽樣式問卷調查,了解不同屬性之公務員對綠色行銷認知程度、了解不同綠色行銷認知對綠色產品採購量之影響。 本研究主要在驗證公務員對於綠色行銷認知、綠色產品偏好及綠色產品採購量因果關係之假設,以SPSS for Windows(Version 12)為統計工具,經由敘述性統計、多元回歸分析、單因子變數分析及獨立樣本t檢定研究方法將各變數間關係進行檢定與討論,並依照研究架構及過去文獻回顧,進而檢定原始假說是否成立,歸納出影響綠色行銷認知、綠色產品採購態度以及綠色產品購買行為的因素。主要因素包括採購法規、政府執行力、產品實用性、認證制度、產品價格、媒體傳播、習慣使用節能產品、社會責任感、回收再使用接受程度、吸收產品新資訊意願、產品設計、工作研究、廢物再利用、環保產品節能等等。研究發現綠色行銷認知、綠色產品偏好因個人屬性,有不同的顯著差異;綠色行銷認知因綠色產品偏好不同,有不同的顯著差異;「綠色產品採購量」因「綠色產品偏好」不同,也有不同的顯著差異。


Along with the change of climate, global warming has urged participation and actions from all governments worldwide. Although the procurement of green products has entered into our life, due to various issues in pricing, varieties, efficacy and distribution channels, the competitiveness of green products seems inferior. The impact of green procurement legislation on marketing behaviors has more and more become an area of interest in discussion in the academia. However, most of the studies on green products up to the moment are investigations and analyses focused on just a few specific items rather than studies from a comprehensive perspective, in particular, the investigation of consumer behaviors of green consumer goods. Current studies on green marketing and green consumption are mainly targeted at the industry or individual consumers while in-depth investigation into the influence of green marketing cognition and preference on procurement quantity is wanting. As for studies on the use of green products in the public sector and procurement behaviors thereof are also inadequate. In view of this, with relevant civil service workers as subjects this study investigates the procurement of Ministry of Economic Affairs, Environment Protection Administration and Ministry of Transportation and Communications aiming at a further inquiry into current green marketing cognition as well as a supplement to existing scientific literatures. Relationships between personal attributes and green marketing cognition, between personal attributes and green product preferences, between green marketing cognition and green product preferences, between green product preferences and procurement quantity of green products have been investigated in this study. A questionnaire sampling survey is conducted on civil service workers in central organizations and first-tier departments thereof to reveal the green marketing cognition of civil service workers with different attributes and to reveal the effects of green marketing cognition of various levels upon procurement quantity of green products. This study verifies assumptions of causal relationships among green marketing cognition, green product preferences and procurement quantity of green products. Using SPSS for Windows, Ver. 12 as a statistic tool, with research methods of Descriptive Statistic Analysis, Multiple Regression Analysis, One-way ANOVA and Independent Sample T-test, relationships among variables are tested and discussed; assumptions are tested based on research model and review of past literatures; and factors affecting green marketing cognition, purchasing attitudes toward green products, and behaviors of purchasing green products are induced. Main factors include procurement legislation, government implementation capability, product practicability, certification system, product pricing, media coverage, the habit of using energy saving products, social responsibility, acceptance level of recycled items, willingness to get new product information, product design, work research, waste recovery and utilization, and energy saved from Eco products. The study reveals that significant variations exist in green marketing cognition and green product preferences due to different personal attributes; in green marketing cognition due to different green product preferences; and in procurement quantity of green products due to different green product preferences.


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