  • 學位論文


From the Theory of Objective Imputation to Comment the Principle of Reliance

指導教授 : 劉幸義


本文試圖以客觀歸責理論重新詮釋信賴原則的適用與限制,並以製造風險、實現風險、構成要件效力範圍,對於最高法院近年來判決進行整述,首先必須先知道什麼是客觀歸責理論,因此本文第二章先介紹客觀歸責理論,由於客觀歸責理論是德國學說近年來的研究重點,再加上各家學者們關於客觀歸責理論的論述,不僅下位要件設定不同,細部的說明與援用的案例,皆互有差異,因此本文以Roxin的體系說明為主軸,再輔以其他學者的論述與補充,為什麼選擇Roxin的體系說明為構造的藍圖呢?主要是因為其最先將客觀歸責理論體系化,同時也是教科書中敘述最完備者,另外,國內文獻關於客觀歸責理論的介紹,大多亦以其體系為藍本。 第三章的第一大部份先探討其他學者對於客觀歸責理論的的修正與補充,其中最重要的是Jakobs教授關於信賴原則的闡述,了解了其他學者的修正與補充後,則開始探討學者們對客觀歸責理論的基本質疑,以及客觀歸責理論具體適用上的障礙,最後進一步檢討具體案例的適用爭議,並討論已習於傳統三階層體系檢驗的實務能否適應這個理論。 第四章則開始討論信賴原則與客觀歸責理論的關係,第一部分介紹信賴原則的源起與要件,第二部份闡述客觀歸責論者對於信賴原則的論述,第三大部分則介紹信賴原則的適用限制,早期學說關於信賴原則的適用,針對其主觀要件、客觀要件多有設定,並對於信賴原則適用時設有相當的限制,而這些限制在透過客觀歸責理論的轉述,將可獲得一清晰的面貌,最後則特別論述信賴原則與注意規範保護目的之間的關係。 第五章則先解決在緒論中所檢討的案例,最後則作一總結,並以此結論試圖針對信賴原則提出說理清晰的論述判斷模式,以供實務將來在運作信賴原則時,可資參考。


信賴原則 客觀歸責


This article attempts to comment the appliance and restriction of the principle of reliance by the theory of objective imputation. We attempts to restate the latest judgments of supreme court by creating risks, implementing risks, and the effective range of criminal elements. Over the 40 years researching the theory of objective imputation becomes fashion. To accomplish this masterpiece, first we must know what is the theory of objective imputation. The whole writing contains five chapters. The beginning is the Preface, in which questions are pointed out and studying approach, extent, scheme are illustrated. Starting with the essence and theory of objective imputation, in chapter one we discourse carefully the origin of the objective imputation. The correlation of the causation and the theory of objective imputation is also the emphasis. We also research the concept of risk which is discussed enthusiastically in academic circles. We discourse carefully the theory of objective imputation in chapter two. This theory comprises three concepts. Creating risks, implementing risks, and the effective range of criminal elements are fully illustrated. The largest part of the chapter three is the revise and supplement to the theory of objective imputation. The most important part is Professor Jakobs’elaboration on the principle of reliance. We also discourse the correlation of the principle of reliance and the theory of objective imputation in chapter four. Introducing the origin and the elements of the principle is the first part. Criminal law scholars’comment on the principle of reliance is the second part. The restriction of reliance is emphasized in part three. In the last chapter, we resolve the cases mentioned in the Preface and summarize a conclusion. We also attempt to propose a clear judging mode on the principle of reliance. The judging mode can be reference for the future operation of the principle of reliance.


the Principle of Reliance


4.Ulrich Beck著,汪浩譯,《風險社會─通往另一個現代的路上》,巨流,2004年。
