  • 學位論文



指導教授 : 陳銘薰


台灣土地狹小、人口密度高,在獨立創業意願濃厚的情形下,使得連鎖型便利商店呈現快速成長。多元化服務及24 小時營業特色,不僅提供給消費者時間、距離及服務上的便利,更不斷的推陳出新,來滿足消費者多樣化的需求。便利商店已成為國人日常生活中不可缺少的一環。 便利商店的經營者在面對競爭激烈的市場下,如何掌握消費者需求,如何隨著內、外環境及趨勢的改變,而調整經營策略及模式,以提供更多服務,創造更高的競爭優勢,是一個值得重視並深入探討的課題。故本研究探討便利商店業之關鍵成功因素與經營績效之關係。透過內部營運以尋找影響公司整體經營績效最具有關鍵性成功因素。 本研究以7-11公司為研究對象。問卷之訪問為該公司全省各地之店經理。本問卷採取分層抽樣方式。從3526家中篩選兩年以上之店鋪做為母體樣本,再進行抽樣之樣本數為380份,全省分為六個區域,北一區及北二區各70份,另四區各60份,再依不同經營型態之比率作為抽樣。資料分析採敘述統計、信、效度、因素、迴歸及共變數等分析方法。 實證結果發現,關鍵成功因素之店舖地點構面,對營業額、營業淨利最具有顯著正向影響。在不同經營型態下,認為店舖地點構面、商品陳列構面、情報系統構面對營業額、營業淨利有顯著差異存在,事後比較以特許加盟之影響最大。然而,在不同營業區域,五個關鍵成功因素與營收成長率有顯著差異存在,事後比較北一區認為營收成長非常重要,高屏區較不受影響。店舖地點因素對經營績效的好壞,有決定性影響,商圈與店址選擇良窳,是便利商店經營成功之關鍵所在;而商品陳列空間大小不是關鍵,影響來客數之店舖地點,以及所在位置一定距離內之人口密度才是關鍵。


Taiwan is such a narrow and highly populated island so the chain convenience store has grown fast owing to residents’ strong desire to run their own business. With the features of diversified services and 24-houroperaion, convenience stores provide consumers with not only the convenience of time, distance, and service but also ongoing innovation to satisfy the diversified consumer needs. Nowadays, convenience stores have become an indispensable part of Taiwanese daily life. Under the highly competitive retail market, it becomes an important issue for CVS managers to further discuss how to grasp consumer needs and to keep pace with the external and internal environment as well as market trend, in order to adjust their managing strategies and business models so as to offer more services and create competitive advantages. Thus, this research probes into the relationship between the key successful factors of convenience store and its operational performance. Through the internal operation, we can disclose the key factors of business success that have great influences on entire operating performance of a company. This research studies 7-eleven stores, President Chain Store Corp; furthermore, the questionnaire of the research targets the 7-eleven store managers island-wide. This questionnaire is conducted by way of stratified sampling. Select as population from 3526 branch stores the stores operating more than two years ., and then determine380 copies as the sample size .Second, divide Taiwan into six zones--the North One Zone and the North Two Zone are assigned 70 copies respectively, the other four zones each sixty copies. At last, do the sampling according to the ratio of different types of operation. Data analysis exerts the following analysis methods: Descriptive Statistics, Reliability & Validity Analysis, Factor Analysis, Regression Analysis, ANOVA, and so on. The empirical result shows that the location of a store, the key success of store, has significantly positive effects on its sales and operating net income. Under different operating models, the location of a store, the product display, and the intelligence system make a significant difference on the sales and operating net income, with franchise stores influenced the most. However, the five key successful factors are proven to have a significant difference with the sales growth rate in different zones; particularly, it is significant in the stores of North One Zone while it has less influence on the stores of Kao-Ping Zone. The factor of store location has the decisive effect on the store performance, so the key to success of a convenience store lies in its trading area and location. Nevertheless, the key point influencing the consumer count is determined not by the size of space of product display but by the location of a store and the density of population within a certain distance from the store.


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