  • 學位論文


The Sexual Attitude Development of Teenage Girls Engaged in Sexual Transaction

指導教授 : 黃蘭媖


未成年少女從事性交易向來是社會關注的議題,現有研究常常將「性態度偏差」當作少女從事性交易的原因之一,少女少有發聲機會,因為她們不是被看作軟弱無力的被害者,就是被當成缺乏判斷能力的偏差者。基此,本研究從女孩們的觀點出發,對七位成長歷程互不相同、從事不同類型性交易的女孩進行深度訪談後,有如下發現: 首先,女孩們最初接觸到性相關訊息的來源常是男性同儕或媒體,男性同儕最早展現出對性的好奇;相較於此,家庭與師長很少論及這個話題,女孩們因此覺得:「性」是禁忌事物,未成年人不該觸碰。 其次,女孩們開始與同儕討論性,始於女性同儕有性經驗,還沒有性經驗的女孩由此獲取第一手資訊;成人仍舊反對未成年人發生性行為,宣達「禁慾」的要求,退而求其次的則要他們避孕,對女孩來說,性行為好像通往成人世界門票,有了性經驗就會被當作大人一般對待。女孩獲取的資訊並不完整,女孩在考慮是否要發生第一次性經驗時感到為難,因為成人只給「禁慾」這個單一選項,沒有進一步的引導或釋疑。 出於自願或被迫,女孩來到有性經驗的階段。他們的經驗有快樂正向的,也有悲傷負面的,女孩對性行為在兩性交往間扮演的角色有更多切身的感受與理解:性行為可以是表達愛的方式、可以增加甜蜜幸福的感覺;也有人發現性是男生掠奪的目標、女性獲取資源的一種方法等等。經驗讓女孩有所體悟,體悟又帶出日後少女的選擇與行為,如此循環不息。 進入性交易產業之後,女孩與男性不再只有朋友或男女朋友這兩種關係,而增加了「客人」這個類型。客人與日常生活中提供少女生活資源的朋友不同,他們直接以金錢換取性服務。女孩們學會將性服務換取金錢視作單純的工作,將此與跟其他男性友人或男朋友的交往互動切割開來,使女孩們合理化自己的行為、劃分私生活與工作的界限。 本研究歸納出:女孩性態度的發展受所處環境改變影響。一開始,女孩並不對性感到好奇;但是當身邊女性同儕三不五時提及這些話題時,女孩開始面臨是否發生性行為的選擇,但她們對自己的選擇與其他選項所知甚少。她們也發現:性經驗是男生的社會資產,卻是女生的社會負資產。隨時間演進,女孩從聽聞別人述說性經驗的觀察者,變成自己有性經驗的實踐者。曾經,她們輕視從事性交易的人,從事性交易後認同這只是眾多行業的一種。她們的行為及對自己言行的合理化深受環境改變、社會生活、所遇見的人事物及經歷影響。 綜合以上的發現,提出下列建議: 首先,若成年人不願意與未成年人談論「性」的相關話題,未成年人的主要資訊來源將會只有同儕與大眾媒體。不同時期的個體需要不同的性教育,讓他們學會分辨接收到的訊息的真偽、不論男生女生都有更完整的資訊做為選擇要或不要有性行為時的參考;同時,也讓他們有各種支持資源,保護他們免於受侵害與剝削 此外,性教育不該只是生理變化、性行為、懷孕等等知識的傳授。要聚焦於不同性別互動的社會意涵,包括身體的界線、人際間的相互尊重。也要幫助不同性別的人去挑戰既存的、造成性侵害與剝削的性別迷思。女孩需要覺察性別刻板印象的限制及其所造成的結果。 最後,過去的研究傾向貶抑性交易少女的性態度,將她們從事性交易的原因過度簡化為低道德觀。事實上,每個個體都有獨特的生命故事,難以僅用橫斷式的研究方法與統計數據加以統整與解釋。女孩們的性態度正是奠基於社會變化而逐漸發展。未來研究可嘗試從動態生命史的觀點去理解少女們在生命歷程中所做的選擇,惟有理解她們過去的選擇,才能為她們的未來製造更多機會與選項。


Our society pays a lot attention to teenage girls who engaged in sexual transaction. Past researches often attribute girls’ sexual transaction to deviant sexual attitude. As long as these girls are viewed as powerless victims or thoughtless delinquents, they seldom have any chance to speak for themselves. Based on this, my research aims to stand in these girls’ shoes and explore their unique life courses. After in-depth interviews with seven girls who had engaged in different kinds of sexual transaction, the findings are as follows: In the beginning, girls received sexual information from their male peers or mass media. Male peers often showed curiosity about sex earlier than girls did. By contrast, their family and teachers seldom talked about this topic, which made the girls assumed ‘sex’ a forbidden subject for juveniles. Once the girls’ female peers had sex experience, they had the chance to get first-hand information from talking with these experienced peers. Adults kept being opposed to juveniles’ having sexual behavior, asking juveniles to be abstinence from sex. At the same time, the girls were told to use condoms if they did have sex. The girls had an impression that having sex experience is the ticket to be treated as adults. When facing the choice of their first sex experience, they were troubled with the only option as abstinence without any further guidance and explanation. Forced or voluntarily, girls stepped into the phrase of having sex experience. They had both happier and worse experiences. They increasingly grown to understand that sex have different meanings in relationships. For example, sex can be a kind of expression of love or driven to pursue intimacy and happiness. It can also be a predatory act from men’s selfish desires or means to obtain goods and materials for girls. Personal experience complicated their viewpoints on sex and in turn had impacts to their future decisions and conducts. After engaged in sexual transaction, the girls developed another relationship with men other than “boy friend” or “friend”. These “customers”, differ from boy friends who provide for their livings in daily life, gave cash for exchanging sex services. Sex relationships with male customers were defined as pure work. This kind of division allowed girls to justify their behaviors and live a dual life. The development of girls’ sexual attitude was affected by changing social circumstance they encountered in life. Initially, girls had no curiosity about sex. However, when the discussion is not uncommon between female peers, the girls had to decide whether to have sex or not with little understanding of their actual choices and adaptations. They learned that, unlike men, females who had sexual intercourse were likely to be discriminated. In terms of sexual experience, they changed from observers to practitioners. Once they looked down on those who engaged in sexual transaction, in the end, they normalize and justify it as pure labor work. Their behaviors and self-justifications were deeply influenced by the changing circumstances, their social life, people they met and things happened. Based on the findings above, this research provides following suggestions: First of all, if the adults are reluctant to talk to the youngsters about sex, the main information sources for adolescents will be either ignorant peers or exaggerated mass media. Therefore, sexuality modules should be included in different education systems to respond to youngsters’ different development phrases. The main aim for sexuality education is to provide them the ability to differentiate useful information from nonsense. Both girls and boys should be provided with not only enough information on their choices, but also the access of resources to support their choices and protect them from any kind of sexual abuse and exploitation. In addition, sexuality education should not be limited to the knowledge of biological changes, sexual intercourse, or pregnancy. It should focus more on the social meanings of interactions between different genders, including the proper boundary and responsible respect necessary in the interpersonal relationships. It should also help both genders to challenge the current bias and inequality of the meaning of sexual experience in our society. Both genders need to confront current sexuality myths which constitute the social context which encourages sexual abuse and exploitation to both females and juveniles. In particular, girls have to be aware of existing sexuality stereotype and its social consequence. Last but by no means the least, past researches inclined to degrade girls’ sexual attitude by a over-simplified conclusion that sexual transaction conducts indicated their inferior moral values. In fact, each individual has their own unique life story which can not be explained and summarized by cross-sectional and static data. Their sexual attitudes were also embedded in much broader social changes. Future researches should try to listen to their life history and understand their choice from a more dynamic perspective. Only if we understand their past choices could we begin to think of creating more opportunities and choices for these girls.


