  • 學位論文


The Trauma Reaction of Fraud Victims: A Comparison with Other Traumatic Incidents.

指導教授 : 黃蘭媖


詐欺為我國嚴重犯罪問題之一,但有關詐欺被害者之心理創傷研究卻付之闕如。本研究旨在瞭解詐欺被害者是否會有創傷反應症狀,並和過去之研究比對造成創傷的事件與影響因素,以量化問卷方式進行縱貫性研究。   調查問卷採用「創傷後壓力診斷量表」與「個人資源量表」,分別在事發後三個月內與第五個月至第七個月調查28名詐欺被害者與32名身體侵害受試者。調查結果以描述性統計、t檢定、迴歸分析、變異數分析、共變數分析等統計方法進行分析。   本研究發現:詐欺事件在兩次測量中都產生中度的創傷反應症狀,且與身體侵害事件並無差異,控制「社會支持」與「性別」變項後也得到相同的結果;納入流失樣本時,詐欺事件發生於問卷施測三個月內的創傷反應症狀高於傳統創傷事件之反應;量表分數上性別並無差異,但男性在初期會有較高的症狀反應,後期隨著時間而消退,女性則較易持恆;社會支持越高時,創傷反應症狀的嚴重性就越低。   研究結果顯示詐欺事件的確會引發創傷反應症狀,並且與過去研究之事件類型之結果相當一致。故本文建議:在學術方面,建議DSM將其納入創傷事件之一,並修改其身體侵害準則與主觀反應種類。在實務方面,則需改善被害者的個人社會支持關係,例如加強警務人員接觸被害者的訓練,透過政府補助司法或心理諮詢相關活動,協助被害者成立自助會等,並且注意在時間上之性別差異作適當介入,如此將能協助改善詐欺被害者事後的創傷反應,並回復其生活品質。


Fraud has become one of the most serious crime problems in Taiwan. However, there is no survey on the traumatic reaction of fraud victims yet. This thesis is based on the quantitative data collected through a longitudinal survey of 60 victims. It aims to find out whether fraud victims have any reaction of post-traumatic stress after the incidents, and whether their reactions can be predicted by similar factors identified in previous literature on traditional traumatic victims. There were 28 fraud victims (study group) and 32 victims of other traumatic events (control group had seriously physical harm under a traumatic event) who participated this survey. The questionnaire was composed of the Chinese version of Post-traumatic Diagnostic Scale and Personal Resource Questionnaire 2000. Participants filled in the survey questionnaire within three months (Times 1) after the incidents and during the fifth to seventh month (Times 2) after incidents. The data is analyzed via descriptive statistics, t test, regression, ANOVA, ANCOVA and etc. Results show that traumatic reaction scores for fraud victims are moderate at both Times 1 and Times 2. There is no significant difference between study and control groups. After the influences of social support and gender is modified, the result remains unchanged. If including samples who filled out scales only at Times 1, it is found that the traumatic reaction of fraud victims appears even higher than control group. There is no gender difference found, but males appear to have higher traumatic reaction at Times 1 and lower score at Times 2 than their female counterparts, The score of traumatic reaction for females maintains at stable level at Times 1 and 2. The effect of social support to the traumatic reaction individual perceived reconfirmed previous findings. According to above findings, it is suggested that DSM should consider to add fraud victimization as a traumatic event. In order to do so, it is necessary to modify criterion A1 and A2 for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. Regarding policy implications, it is crucial to provide systematic assistance to fraud victims, starting from changing current social reactions to fraud victims. There should be a training policy for reinforcing police-victim interactions. The government should encourage and assist fraud victims to organize self-help forum who provides psychological counseling. Finally, it is important to consider gender differences when designing customer made interventions for victims.




