  • 學位論文


A Study on the Related Party Transactions of the Financial Institutions

指導教授 : 賴英照


檢視過去問題金融機構案件發生成因,經營者利用個人職權,以非常規交易取得不當利益之情形屢見不鮮。為處理這些問題金融機構,耗費大量社會資源,影響金融體系之安定。凡此種種,突顯金融機構關係人交易始終是我國金融監理重要議題。 本文研究目的在檢視我國金融商事法規,就防範金融機構關係人非常規交易所採取的監控手法,及其對行為人之責任追究機制,予以討論分析。並參考外國立法例,提供未來修法之建議。至於研究方法,採比較法方式,參考國內、外學者文獻,歸納整理有關金融機構關係人交易涉及之法規為主要架構,並參酌財務會計準則公報相關規定綜合討論。本論文共分為為六章,撮其大要如下: 第一章:緒論。敘述本文研究動機、目的、方法及範圍。 第二章:規範金融機構關係人交易之理由。首先,藉金融機構之功能及銀行法規範目的與理由,說明金融機構之特質;次從我國金融體系沿革與發展描繪我國金融機構目前概況,從過去發生之問題金融機構案例歸納其成因;最後則討論我國關係企業與關係人交易可能發生流弊及管制必要性。 第三章:金融機構關係人交易之監控原則。從利益衝突角度分析金融機構利益衝突之類型與監理重點,再綜合相關法規,歸納監控關係人交易利益衝突方式。 第四章:美國法對金融機構關係人交易之規範。首先,從美國銀行監理體系及聯邦監理機關組織功能說明,概述美國銀行管制規定演變,使能更瞭解法規範之背景脈絡;討論針對銀行與其內部人交易之規範、以及銀行與關係企業間往來之規範。 第五章:我國法對金融機構關係人交易之規範。從我國金融監理架構、法源及對關係人交易之監控原則出發,討論銀行法與金融控股公司法對關係人交易,包含授信與授信以外交易之規範;並討論現行關係人交易資訊揭露制度。 第六章:結論與建議。總結前述各章,對我國金融機構關係人交易規範提出建議:1.擴大關係人範圍之認定,增加實質認定部分,提供法官認事用法依據;2.建立關係人交易「常規交易」標準,加強防火牆規範並予以落實,允許金融機構兼營金融相關事業,但應先經主管機關實質審查,且於修法前,禁止金融機構經營非金融相關事業。另就金融機構關係人交易提出法規範以外之省思:避免非常規關係人交易一再發生的關鍵,除制定完善妥適之法規範外,還取決於金融機構的企業倫理態度。若管理階層能秉持良好企業倫理道德經營,則利益衝突所生弊害自可避免,並達成安全穩健經營的目標。


The unprecedented number of bank failures in the past several years has spawned a crisis in the industry and fueled an extensive debate about how regulators can effectively make banks more responsible for guaranteeing the soundness of their operations. Those bank failures resulted mainly from illegal related party transactions. Insiders and affiliates abused the power to gain benefit from banks. The core of related party transactions is the conflicts of interest. To restrain the conflicts of interest, the government established regulatory rules. But it seems that these rules didn’t function well. This article presents an analysis of our rules of related party transactions, and proposes reforms to deal with the problem of conflicts of interest. Chapter I illustrates the motives, methods of this articles. Chapter II argues that bank failures are a particular concern because the current system of banking regulation imposes the costs of bank failures on the public. It is this regulatory system that justifies the special attention paid to bank failures. Chapter III analyzes the supervisal and administrative methods of related party transactions of financial institutions based on the view of conflicts of interest. Chapter IV depicts the American federal regulatory scheme, including the background of banking regulations, Sections 23A and 23B of the Federal Reserve Act, and the Regulations established by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. Chapter V discusses the laws and regulations of our financial market and the information disclosure system of related party transactions. Chapter VI summarizes the said issues, and proposes legislative reforms about related party transactions of financial institutions.


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11. 行政院金融監督管理委員會94.06.14.金管銀(六)字第0946000399號函。


