  • 學位論文


A Study of Ye Chang-chi's Works and His Book-Collecting Endeavor

指導教授 : 王國良


葉昌熾(1849-1917)身為清末學者,著作等身,其《日記》更為研究現代史重要史料;同時他擅長於圖書文獻學與石刻之學。在著述方面,不論是著作或編纂,都有一定的成就,也相當具有研究價值。而其所藏之書,亦顯示出「藏為用」,與多地方文獻的特色。   本論文主要從各項史料與資料,尤其是他的《日記》中所載,鉤勒葉昌熾的生平、著述及藏書三大主軸作為研究重點。近一步探究其著述內容、藏書聚散與藏書思想。本文分成三大部分探討:   第一部分,葉昌熾的生平與交遊,敘述早期葉氏家族與生平,其中敘述葉氏書院生活、登科後來臺灣的所見所聞與甘肅學政的生活。其中來臺的相關史料對研究《淡水廳志》或研究臺灣者具有參考價值。葉氏在甘肅為官時,所見敦煌文物,更是開啟敦煌學研究的先鋒。最後述及葉氏致仕後在師範學堂、存古學堂教授的情形。同時對師長與朋友之間的往來作一敘述,以瞭解當時的學術風氣與其學術背景。   第二部分,是葉昌熾著述的裒輯。葉氏著作以《藏書紀事詩》、《語石》較為人所知。然綜合各種史料,筆者將葉氏的著作與編撰的情形加以鉤稽統計。總計其自編或替人編撰著述約有三十二種,其中十二種為文獻記錄,未見傳本。   第三部分,則是對葉昌熾的藏書進行探討。首先探討其藏書的來源與聚散、藏書的特色與藏書的思想等項,以及關於後人所編之三種葉氏書目-《五百經幢館藏書目錄》、《治廧室善本書目》、《緣裻廬善本書目》之考辨。此為前人所不曾論及,本文大致對此論題理出一頭緒,包括三種目錄記載內容、成書的時間與三者之間的關係提出看法。   最後總結全文,包含對未來研究葉氏或藏書者提出展望。


Ye Chang-chi (1849-1917) was a scholar and copious writer of the late Ching Dynasty; his Yuandulu Diary (《日記》) providing especially important historical materials for modern history research. He also excelled in the art of stone carving and the academic field of bibliography and textual criticism. As far as his works are concerned, he achieved quite remarkably whether in writing or in the compilation of ancient books, both well worth researching. His collection, on the other hand, possesses two characteristics: a “book-collecting for use’s sake” approach and the inclusion of mostly local literatures. This thesis, drawing on a variety of historical materials and other data available, especially the contents of his Yuandulu Diary, aims to provide an outline of Ye Chang-chi’s life, writings and his book-collecting work—the three main themes on which this study focuses. Then it goes further to examine the contents of his works, the collecting and spreading of his collection, and the philosophy behind his book-collecting endeavor. It consists of three parts: Part 1 presents the story of Ye Chang-chi’s life and his associations. It describes the Ye family and Ye Chang-chi’s early life, including his years studying in the tutorial academy, what he saw and heard while traveling in Taiwan after entering officialdom by passing the Imperial Examination (ke-ju科舉), and his life in Gansu in charge of educational affairs there. Of these, the historical materials concerning his stay in Taiwan are of reference value to those doing research on Taiwan or on Gazetteer of Tamsui Sub-Prefecture (《淡水廳志》). In addition, the artifacts he eye-witnessed in the Dunhuang area of Gansu while holding the above-mentioned position ushered in the new field of Dunhuangology. Finally, it gives an account of Ye’s teaching career at the Normal School (師範學堂) and Traditional Cultural Academy (存古學堂) after he quit officialdom. His association with his mentors/teachers and friends is also examined to give a picture of the academic atmosphere of his time and his own academic background. Part 2 is about the compilation of Ye Chang-chi’s works. Better known among his works are Biographical Poems About Book Collectors (《藏書紀事詩》) and Notes on Stele Inscriptions (《語石》). Based on various historical materials, the author checks Ye Chang-chi‘s writings and his book-collecting work and adds them up. The total number is approximately 32, which he either compiled for himself or wrote/compiled for others. And of these, 12 are mere literature documentation, with no edition in circulation. Part 3 looks into Ye Chang-chi’s book-collecting work. First it explains the sources of his collection and the collecting and spreading of these books, the features of his book-collecting endeavor, and the thought behind his work, etc. Then it deals with the verification of three catalogues compiled by later generations of Ye Chang-chi's publications: “A Catalogue of the 500 Classics Private Library Collection”(《五百經幢館藏書目錄》), “A Catalogue of the Chichiangshi Private Library Rare Books” (《治廧室善本書目》), “A Catalogue of the Yuandulu Rare Books” (《緣裻廬善本書目》). This is a topic not touched on before, and the thesis largely sorts things out by presenting views on the contents of each of the catalogues, the time of their publication and their interrelationship. Finally, it makes a summary of this thesis, including discussing prospects for future researchers of Ye Chang-chi or book-collecting.


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