  • 學位論文


A Research on Chuanqi Drama Rare Books Transited from Peiping Library to National Palace Museum(Taipei)

指導教授 : 林鋒雄


前國立北平圖書館為民國初年第一座新式圖書館,亦為當時海內外重要曲庫之一,收藏戲曲既精且富。這樣的作法,也對國內圖書館收藏觀念的演進,起了示範表率的功用,帶動了公立圖書館收藏戲曲的風氣,可以說見證了圖書館界的一頁近代發展史,具有重要地位。 縱觀歷來之研究成果,利用前國立北平圖書館此批戲曲典藏的研究者頗多,但皆將它當作戲曲史或戲曲理論研究的佐證素材,而非將之當成研究的主體,進行戲曲文獻學的研究,因此筆者先選擇戲曲善本中傳奇的部分,共一百四十一部作品,將其來龍去脈,具體入藏來源、內容與價值,以及版本統計,作一全面性且深入的研究。 本論文一共分文六章,第一章〈緒論〉,說明研究動機、前人研究成果、研究方法與目的。 第二章〈北平圖書館之善本典藏與南遷〉,論述前國立北平圖書館創設的過程,歷年來善本圖書的徵集與善本書目的編製,以及二次大戰期間先運存上海、再寄存美國國會圖書館的經過,以及運返台灣後所作之整理編目與典藏現況,期能對前國立北平圖書館善本典藏的各個歷程有一明晰的認識。 第三章〈臺北故宮博物院典藏原北平圖書館藏傳奇來源〉,利用前一章所整理的資料,從館史資料、善本入藏相關記錄與館方所編輯的善本書目中,探究北平圖書館收藏觀念轉變的過程,歸納出由於新文化運動的展開,導致大環境思潮改變的影響外,且當時許多受新式教育的知識份子,在館中任職,實際負責館務,因此收藏觀念較為進步開放,在這樣內在契機與外在背景下,前國立北平圖書館開始重視戲曲文獻,許多珍貴的戲曲文獻因此得以入藏。接著再針對傳奇善本卷內的收藏鈐印與手書題跋,追溯這些傳奇善本的實際入藏來源,可得知的藏書家有朱希祖、董康、徐乃昌、李慈銘等人。 第四章〈臺北故宮博物院典藏原北平圖書館藏傳奇內容與價值〉,由目錄學的角度撰寫,針對當初一再選運裝箱寄存,所衍生的諸多疑點,聚焦在傳奇善本的部分,重新進行檢視與整理,發現確如昌彼得先生所言,現存臺北故宮的典藏並非北平圖書館當年所藏善本精華之全部,例如傳奇善本中,幾乎所有的繼志齋刻本皆被保留下來不被運出。接著再對王重民與張棣華兩位先生對此批傳奇善本的提要著作,各自優缺得失之所在,分別加以論述批評。最後,再觀察此批傳奇典藏的內容特色與價值,進行討論總結。 第五章〈臺北故宮博物院典藏原北平圖書館藏傳奇版本〉,本章從版本學的角度出發,輔以統計數字的呈現,以臺北故宮博物院現藏一百四十一本傳奇善本為範圍,進行劇目考訂與版本分析工作,將此批傳奇善本之樣貌特色做具體定位,發現:以時代觀之,明代以刻本為主,而清代則呈現寫本與刻本並重的情形。其次,以版本類別來看,寫本中多精鈔本,亦收錄孤本與稿本,刻本中,則以晚明時期江蘇金陵一代書坊所刊作品為夥,內中包含了精美的版刻插圖、朱墨套印以及名家評點本。而從傳奇刻本劇名標題中,亦可觀察當時書坊為了射利,常在劇名標題中註明「出像」、「新鐫」、「音註」、「重校」、「附釋」、「評點」等字眼,可視為一種招徠讀者購買的商業手法。 第六章為〈結論〉,此章總結本論文的發現成果、已解決的問題與研究未竟之處,以祈博雅君子,不吝賜教。 希望藉由以上分析,能使後人對於前國立北平圖書館入藏戲曲的經過,與此批戲曲中傳奇善本部分的入藏來源、內容與價值,以及版本特色,能有全面且整體的認識。


Former National Library of Peiping is the first modern library of China and one of the important opera libraries at that time. The great collection of National Library of Peiping stood as a model for domestic public libraries at that time to collect Chinese drama rare books and brought important new development to libraries in China. Most researches took these drama collection of National Library of Peiping merely as literature reference for Chinese drama history or drama literary theory studies instead of an object for bibliography study. This study will focus on the 141 Chuanqi drama rare books, elaborating and investigating their sources, texts, values and editions. This thesis will include six chapters. Chapter 1 will be an introduction for the study motive, preceding researches, research methodology and target. Chapter 2 will be a brief history of National Library of Peiping. The history will include the library’s establishment, the collection and cataloguing of rare books, how the rare books were transported from Shanghai, Library of Congress (U.S.) to Taiwan, and how they were rearranged and preserved in Taiwan, to provide a clear picture for every stage for the collection. Chapter 3 will discuss the transformation of the idea of collection throughout the whole process, from the library history, rare book collecting records and the rare book cataloguing. The conceptual evolution of collection was resulted from the NEW Cultural Movement and many librarians who received new-fashioned education recruited in National Library of Peiping at that time. Thus, the Library began to take the drama rare books seriously and many rare books were collected. It can also be inferred from the collection seals and handwritten inscriptions on these rare books that collectors at that time includes Zhu Xi-Zu, Dong Kang, Xu Nai-Chang, and Li Ci-Ming. Chapter 4 will reexamine the Chuanqi drama rare books from the perspective of bibliography and conclude that the current collection in National Palace Museum (Taipei) is not the complete collection of National Library of Peiping at that time, as Chang Bi-De indicates. For example, almost all Block-printed edition of JiZhiZhai were not allowed to be transported. The chapter will also elaborate the evaluations and criticisms of Wang Zhong-Min and Zhang Di-Hua on these Chuanqi drama rare books. Chapter 5 will analyze and compile statistics on the editions of the 141 Chuanqi drama rare books in National Palace Museum. By periods, Ming dramas are mainly block-print editions while Ching dramas include handwritten copies and block-print editions. By editions, handwritten copies tend to be exquisite transcripts. They also include some single existing copies and manuscripts. Block-print editions mainly comes from the publishers in Nanjing at that time. They are usually printed in red and black, including woodblock print Illustration and Commentary Punctuation. The publishers at that time usually add “illustration,” “reprint,” “phonetic notes added,” “reedition,” “footnote,” “commentary” in addition to the titles for better promotion. Chapter 6 will be the conclusion, indicating the research achievements, solved and unsolved problem for follow-up researchers. Hopefully, the study will help to provide a clear picture for the history, source, text, value, and editions for the Chuanqi drama rare book collections of Former National Library of Peiping.


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