  • 學位論文


A Survey on TongHuaLu And Its Descriptions Concerning Taiwan

指導教授 : 張勝彥


《東華錄》作為私人編修的《實錄》,也是研究清代史重要文獻之一;縱使在《實錄》、清宮檔案印行後,其價值亦不減。但對於《東華錄》及其《續錄》的編纂,前人研究多著墨於《蔣錄》,更遑論及王、潘、朱各《錄》的研究 。其次,臺灣作為清代領地,其記載清帝國對臺灣統治狀況部分亦並未有做過研究。本文即透過這兩個主軸進行考察。 《東華錄》的命名主要是編修者多任職於清國史館,且其資料來源多與任職期間摘抄館內文獻(《實錄》)有關。因國史館位於東華門內,因以為名。其後遂為「清史」之專名。 第一部份,本文對於《東華錄》及其《續錄》的編纂動機、編纂者與助編者生平與其內容、價值進行耙梳探討。筆者認為這三部《東華錄》的編纂主要與清代乾嘉以來講求「經世致用」學風,再加上與有意續成清史全帙有關。其次,對於纂修人員生平進行考察,使這些人在花費精力編纂的書籍後,不致被埋沒。 第二部分則針對三部《東華錄》以時代作縱軸,另以記載作橫軸作一考察。筆者發現三部《東華錄》記載反映出與整個時代環境有很大關連。也就是說,從蔣氏、王氏、到朱氏記載反映著時代需要而對史事取捨的認知。蔣氏強調隱性反清,王氏反應清政權統治鞏固後加強王權,朱氏則是清末眾人對時事關心而為的寫作動機。而這樣應襯到對臺灣記載或多或少可以反應,例如在民變、臺米輸中與對外戰爭記載等。其次則是記載上一如檔案文獻特點,多記官員任免,難怪李慈銘評曰「斷爛朝報」。第三則對於臺灣記載上多為「點」的反應,少關注人民(社會)立場,並不能算是臺灣「全史」。我們只能從中利用作為研究的史料。


TongHuaLu , the private-edited version of Factual Reports on the Regimes of the Ching Dynasty, is one of the important literatures for students of the Dynasty’s history. Even after the publication of the Ching Dynasty archives and the official Factual Reports on the Ching regimes, TongHuaLu’s value as a reference material remains undiminished. However, former studies on TongHuaLu and its Sequential Editions have mostly focused on the Chiang Liang-chi edition, with the other versions by Wang Hsien-chien, Pan Yi-fu, and Chu Shou-peng largely neglected. Besides, former researchers have paid no attention to TongHuaLu’s records concerning the Dynasty’ rule over Taiwan as its territory. This thesis is a survey centering around these two unexplored aspects. TongHuaLu got its title mainly because most of its editors worked with the Ching Dynasty’s Academia Historica, and because the editors’ sources of reference are basically related to the literatures available there (Factual Reports on the Ching regimes) they excerpted and transcribed during their tenure. The Academia Historica was located inside the TongHua Gate, so came the title TongHuaLu , which later became an exclusive reference to the history of the Ching Dynasty. The first part of the thesis serves as a survey on the motive behind the editing of TongHuaLu and its Sequential Editions, the lives of the editors and their assistants, and the content and value of their versions. The author believe the editing of the three versions of TongHuaLu is basically the result of the ching-shih chih-yung ( learning of practical use to the society) academic atmosphere of the Chienlung-Chiaching period combined with the editors’ intention to help finish a complete history of the Ching Dynasty. The first part also attempts to research into the life of the editors so their efforts and achievements will not go unnoticed. The second part looks into all the three private-edited versions of TongHuaLu, with their times and their accounts as two main themes. Here the author has three findings. First, the accounts of all three versions show that they are profoundly influenced by their times. That is, whether Chiang Liang-chi’s, Wang Hsien-chien’s or Chu Shou-peng’s, the reference materials adopted are a reflection of the needs of their times as the editors see them: Chiang’s emphasize a latent anti-Ching ethos, Wang’s reveal a strengthened monarchy after the consolidation of the Ching Dynasty’s rule, and Chu’s are motivated by the general public’s concern with current events in the then late Ching Dynasty. And such backgrounds should be more or less reflected in TongHuaLu’s accounts concerning Taiwan, such as popular uprisings, export of Taiwanese rice to China, and those about wars against .other powers. Secondly, these accounts are typical of the average archive literature—mostly about the appointment or dismissal of officials. No wonder they were criticized by the famous late Ching scholar Li Tzuming (李慈銘 1830-1894 ) as ‘rotten and fragmented bits and pieces of royal court documents’. Thirdly, their accounts of Taiwan are for the most part only sketchy descriptions of the ‘point’, lacking in the concern for its people or society, so hardly a ‘whole history’ of Taiwan.


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