  • 學位論文


The Study of Filing Greenhouse Gas Lawsuits in Taiwan: A Comparison with the United States Greenhouse Gas Litigations

指導教授 : 陳春生


當前溫室氣體與全球暖化之長期氣候變遷趨勢間之關連已成共識:全球暖化係由過量排放進入地球大氣中的溫室氣體所造成。然而各國政府所採取因應氣候變遷的行動尚不足以遏止此一趨勢,國際協商陷入瓶頸,且許多國家仍然以消極或曖昧的態度來處理此一議題。面對此種困境,部分人民嘗試以提出司法訴訟作為打破政府部門消極因應的突破口,尋求溫室氣體管制措施與氣候變遷責任賠償的訴訟案件因運而生。 本論文藉由比較美國法上一系列針對氣候變遷與溫室氣體管制之訴訟案,研究於我國法院提起此類訴訟之可行性與可能的問題。章節安排上,第二章說明何以民眾嘗試以司法訴訟為手段推動政府部門採取行動。第三章整理近年來美國重要溫室氣體訴訟案例,分析訴訟雙方論證以及所代表之價值觀、思維,並了解判決結果造成的影響。第四章尋找於我國提起溫室氣體訴訟可能的法律依據,並設想過程中面臨的爭議,文末則總結提出結論。 由於傳統民事責任於氣候變遷責任之成立有其適用上的困境,透過立法將氣候變遷責任的認定或分配納入規範,使法院得以介入審理,或許是氣候變遷責任較佳之出口。行政訴訟上,以公民訴訟條款提起訴訟是符合訴訟當事人適格要件較佳的選擇。同時在審理溫室氣體訴訟案件過程中,由於氣候變遷議題為具有風險評估以及預測性質決定,法院須進一步考量環境法保護人民與自然環境以及行政訴訟確實監督國家公權力合法行使的目的,才能作出妥適的判斷。


Currently, there is a consensus on the relation between global warming and greenhouse gases: global warming is caused by excessive quantities of greenhouse gases emitted into Earth's near-surface atmosphere. International action on climate change is insufficient to prevent the warming trends. And many countries are still in a negative or ambiguous attitude to deal with this issue. In the face of this predicament, some people try to break through the inaction of government agencies by filing judicial proceedings. As a result, the litigations which seeking greenhouse gases emission limitation and climate change compensation appeared. In the absence of an international treaty and effective national responses to climate change, litigation provides an alternative path to encourage mitigation of the causes and adaptation to the effects of climate change. This research discusses the feasibility of filing greenhouse gases lawsuits in Taiwan and possible issues by comparing with greenhouse gases litigations in the United State. The content of this research is as following: Chapter 2 is the introduction of climate change and the reason why people choose to take judicial proceedings. Chapter 3 demonstrates the background of important greenhouse gases litigations in recent years, and then analyzes the judicial review of ambiguous concept in American law. Chapter 4 introduces the possible legal basis in our country and discusses the issues in such litigations. Finally, the conclusions are made in chapter 5.


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