  • 學位論文


Les Misérables of the Ethnic Minority Research on China’s Recent Violent Terrorism Crime Incidents

指導教授 : 侯崇文


中國大陸地區自新疆2009年「7‧5」事件後,暴恐事件頻率與規模逐漸增加,尤其在2014年,每月均發生至少一起死傷嚴重的大型暴力恐怖犯罪事件,對中國大陸國家發展與維穩工作構成嚴峻威脅。惟分析中國大陸近年暴恐事件,除具有規模日漸擴大、向各地蔓延、挑選敏感時間犯案等特點,顯示對政權的挑釁與對少數民族政策的不滿外,更因涉及中國大陸人權與宗教迫害等議題,使新疆暴力恐怖犯罪事件在國際輿論間的定位極為特殊。然一旦被害者轉為加害者,將無辜民眾生命作為表達政治訴求或憤怒絕望的工具,不論其動機有多高尚、處境有多值得同情,都已經構成「恐怖份子」的要件而難以獲得輿論認同,只是在中國政府長期對異議份子或少數民族進行鎮壓與嚴打的背景下,當局對目前局面亦難辭其咎;未來若此一惡性循環無法緩解或仍未找到漢維兩族有效溝通途徑,只怕中國大陸將面對的暴力恐怖攻擊將有增無減、甚至變本加厲,屆時再多亡羊補牢的政策都修復彌補不了已難挽回的傷害。 本論文旨在分析當前局勢、中國大陸反恐及少數民族政策,以及新疆暴恐犯罪特點,結合犯罪學的角度與理論,藉以推斷事件背後可能成因,俾讓一般民眾對新疆暴恐事件有更全般與深入的了解。


Since July 2009 Ürümqi riots in Xinjiang took place, the frequency and scale of violent terrorist incidents in China has increased sharply. Especially in 2014, there was at at least as one large-scale violent terrorist crime caused heavy casualties occurred per month, which posed serious threats to the country's development and stability. Analysis on the Chinese violent terrorist incidents in recent years points out the charactristics including the gradually increasing scale, the spread-out toward the whole country and the selected time-sensitive crimes. What’s more, besides the provocation to the regime and the dissatisfaction of the minority policy reflected by these events, there are more disputes involving China’s persecution on human rights and religions, all making the violent terrorist crimes in Xinjiang get an extraordinary status among the international public opinion. However, once the victims have turned perpetrators, using innocent people’s lives as tools of claiming political pursuits or giving vent to anger and desperation, no matter how noble their motives were, how compassionate their circumstances are, they all have been defined as "terrorists" and are difficult to obtain public recognition. However, with the background of the Chinese government’s long-term repression and crackdown toward dissidents or ethnic minority, the authority can hardly absolve itself from the blam for the current situation. If this vicious circle can not be alleviated, or the Hans and the Ürümqis can’t find ways to effectively communicate in the coming future, it is afraid that the violent terrorist attacks China will face shall continue to grow, and even become more aggravated. Since then, the irreparable situation will be difficult to make up even with the large amount of repair policies. This research aims to analyze the current situation, China’s anti-terrorism and minority policies, and the characteristics of violent terrorist crimes in Xinjiang, combined with the perspective and theories of criminology, to infer the possible causes behind the incidents, and to let the general public gain a more comprehensive and in-depth understanding for the violent terrorist incidents in Xinjiang.


