  • 學位論文


The Study of Smartphone Aesthetics toward Customer Loyalty– Moderating Variables of the Contents of Needs

指導教授 : 陳心懿 劉仲矩


追求與感受美麗事物為人的天性,如同學者Maslow的需求層級理論中所提及之「美的需求」。近年來美學的研究愈趨熱門,不論商品美學、外觀設計美學、使用者介面(UI)美學等皆不乏學者探討,顯示消費者或使用者愈來愈重視美的需求,也顯示美學經濟在現今的重要性。學者認為消費者對於具美學觀感的產品所做出的回應在近年來成為一個重要的市場研究領域,且囊括各類型的商品,在此概念之下,本研究選擇當今熱門的商品-智慧型手機作為美學的探討對象,也因智慧型手機的市場仍存在一定的競爭與新興品牌的崛起,故本研究再提出與爭取市占率直接相關的忠誠度作為另一構面,來探討智慧型手機美學與忠誠度的關聯性。另外,根據需求層級理論,人們會在低層需求獲得滿足後再追尋更高層的需求,而美的需求屬於高層次的需求,故對於美學的追求可能會因個人在需求內容上的不同而產生差異,有鑒於此,本研究再以「需求內容」作為干擾變數來探討其與智慧型手機美學、忠誠度三者間的交互作用。 本研究以500名使用過或擁有智慧型手機的使用者或消費者為對象,針對回收的問卷使用階層迴歸分析法,研究結果顯示「智慧型手機美學」對「忠誠度」有顯著正向影響;「需求內容」也確實有干擾效果,成立之假說有五項:分別為「圖形美學」、「視聽美學」、「外觀美學」對「忠誠度」有正向顯著影響;以及「低階需求」對「圖形美學」與「忠誠度」有干擾效果;「中階需求」對「外觀美學」與「忠誠度」有干擾效果。本研究期待能將結果貢獻給智慧型手機相關業者,令其在爭取顧客忠誠度上多一個策略方向,也期待能在美學領域增添研究新方向。


Experiencing and pursuing beautiful things is a human nature, which is also called "Aesthetics needs" in Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. There are many researches about aesthetics in recent years, such as product aesthetics, visual design aesthetics, and user interface aesthetics studies. Consumers and users are focusing more on their aesthetics needs than before. Researchers have emphasized the importance of aesthetics economy and considered that consumers' reactions to aesthetics products are worth studying. Under this concepts, we choose a popular product, smartphone, as our objective of aesthetics study. Due to the intense competitiveness of smartphone market, we present a construct of customer loyalty which related to the market share. The main purpose of this study is to examine the relationship of smartphone aesthetics and customer loyalty. In addition, according to the hypothesis of Hierarchy of Needs, people with different contents of needs might have different attitudes toward pursuing of aesthetics. So, we use "contents of needs" as a moderator in order to learn about the interaction between these three factors. Total of 500 smartphone users (consumers) were selected as respondents. Through hierarchical regression analysis, the result showed that “smartphone aesthetics” has positive influence on “customer loyalty”, and the moderating effect of “contents of needs” does exist. We hope that the result of this study can provide a new aspect of strategy settings to firms related to smartphone and also a new research region to aesthetics studies.


