  • 學位論文


A Process Evaluation of a Animal-Assisted Therapy Program on the Preschool Multiple Disabilities-Taking ”Ai-Chi Development Center of the First Social Welfare Foundation”

指導教授 : 魏希聖


動物輔助治療在近來益發重視「動物與人關係」的趨勢下持續邁向專業化。國外也已發展出動物輔助治療認證機制,國內在護理或特殊教育專業將動物輔助治療結合運用於實務運作,以及在相關研究的發展也將近十年之有,因此本研究以目前經驗較豐富的特殊教育領域著墨,透過相關經驗的學習豐富社會工作專業視角。 本研究之對象為第一社會福利基金會愛智發展中心目前針對學齡前多重障礙兒童進行的動物輔助治療方案。研究以方案過程評估的架構搭配質性研究的深度訪談、透過現場觀察與既有資料蒐集的方式了解動物輔助治療方案規劃、執行與評估的過程、釐清動物輔助治療團隊成員的角色功能,以及分析方案優缺點、提出未來改善建議。得到研究結果如下: 方案規劃階段強調跨專業合作,運用團隊的力量進行討論溝通,期待方案營造出快樂的學習氛圍、激發學習動機、創造正向的互動經驗,進一步達成方案設定的目標。 方案執行過程強調團隊相輔相成,除方案主要帶領者與協同帶領者在課程中形成互補角色,狗醫生志工則成為狗醫生的夥伴與代言人,協助狗醫生完成指定任務,並保護狗醫生的安全。此外,方案執行同時強調技術面指令下達的精準度、方案執行環境的控制,與態度面建立信任、互饋、相互尊重的心態養成。 方案成果評估則包含提供觀察機會、增強學習動機、降低對於陌生事物的恐懼、及營造出愛與善的學習環境等等。也進一步促使將所學類化到其他情境。由此可見動物輔助治療運用在學齡前多重障礙兒童可促進社會層面的多方成效。 本研究歸納了執行動物輔助治療方案面臨的挑戰限制與因應策略,以此進一步討論社會工作專業在動物輔助治療團隊中可發展的角色功能,並提出實務上的相關建議。


Animal-assisted therapy becomes more popular based on "Human-Animal Relationships”. The social work profession has developed authentication mechanism of animal-assisted therapy in some countries. However, there are many possibilities in developing animal-assisted therapy with professional cooperation of social work in Taiwan. This study leverages animal-assisted therapy in special education for social work practices. This study adopts a preschool executing in multiple disabilities program by”Ai-chi development center of the first social welfare foundation”. There are two methods in this study. First, the study uses the structure of process evaluation in this program. Second, the study uses qualitative research methods included in-depth interviews, observation and existing data collection. We want to understand three points of: 1). Animal-assisted therapy programs in planning, operating and assessing. 2). The roles and functions of team members of the animal-assisted therapy. 3). Analysis of program strengths and weaknesses and make suggestions for improvement. The results obtained are as follows: 1).The important issue in the program planning phase of cooperation is inter-professional and teamwork. We can create a joyful learning environment, stimulate motivation, and create positive interactive experience, further to achieve the target by the program. 2).In the implementation phase, it emphasizes complement each other. For example, the main leader and co-leader are complementary roles. Even the Dr. Dog volunteers become a partner and spokesman for Dr. Dog, helping Dr. Dog complete the assigned task, and protect Dr Dog. In addition, it is not only emphasizing at the technical level like accurate directive and the control of environment, but also in the attitude toward building trust, mutual feedback, and respect for the mentality. 3). In the assessment of program included 5 important results: I. Provide opportunity to observe. II. Enhance motivation. III. Reduce the fear of the unknown. IV. Create a good learning environment of love and so on. V. It will also further promote the learning of generalization. Therefore, this shows that the use of animal-assisted therapy for preschool children with disabilities to promote the social dimension. The study also summarizes the implementation challenges and coping strategies. From this basis, we wish social workers can develop more profession roles in animal-assisted therapy team and make recommendations on practices.


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