  • 學位論文


The study of relationships between religion and preventive care services

指導教授 : 林晏如


研究背景:預防保健之目的是希望能夠及早發現不利健康的因子或疾病,同時透過衛生教育與治療的介入,來達到降低罹患率、死亡率、醫療費用與提升民眾之健康,本研究係以成人等三項預防保健作為研究主題。又文獻指出有宗教信仰者對於自身健康較為關注且在使用醫療資源方面亦較頻繁,因此本研究目的在於探討台灣地區宗教信仰與預防保健之相關性。 研究方法:研究資料來自「2009年國民健康訪問調查(NHIS)」,並以羅吉斯迴歸模型作為實證模型,其中資料包含成人預防保健,40歲以上民眾之樣本共8,565人;子宮頸抹片檢查,30歲以上婦女之樣本共7,762人;乳房攝影檢查,45-69歲婦女之樣本共3,747人。 研究結果:本研究發現有信仰宗教的民眾較容易使用成人預防保健服務,且在參與宗教活動方面也呈現遞增趨勢,年齡為50歲以上、女性、教育程度愈高、收入愈高、不吸菸者,利用成人健檢呈現正向顯著。抹片檢查與宗教信仰呈現不顯著,60歲以上及有抽菸女性,利用抹片檢查呈現負向顯著。攝影檢查宗教信仰亦呈現不顯著,50歲以上婦女、已婚女性、教育程度愈高者,利用攝影檢查顯著性較高。 結論:以往文獻因實證結果欠缺個人社經變數,導致研究結果並未完善,因此本研究為改善此缺點,進一步採納多數文獻使用的宗教變數及社經變數,使其研究結果能更臻完善。本研究發現我國有宗教信仰及參與宗教活動者較容易使用成人預防保健,而女性預防保健僅有參與宗教活動者較容易使用。


Background: The purpose of preventive healthcare is to discover diseases or other factors which are harmful to our health as early as possible. It is possible to effectively reduce the prevalence and death rates of certain diseases, and their related medical costs, with the introduction of health education and intervention in the form of treatment. Therefore, the health of people can be further promoted. As previous research indicates, people with religious beliefs are more concerned about their health and use medical resources more frequently. Therefore, this study aims to explore the connection between religion and preventive healthcare in Taiwan. Research Method: The data used in this study are obtained from the National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) for 2009. The hypotheses were tested using logistic regression. The research sample includes 8,565 men over 40 years old who have used adult preventive healthcare, 7,762 women over 30 years old who have undergone Pap-smear screening, and 3,747 women between the ages of 45 and 69 who have undergone mammography. Results: The empirical results show that religious believers are more likely to use adult preventive healthcare services, with there being a significantly increasing involvement in religious activities. People who are over 50 years old, women, non-smokers, and those with higher education and income are also more likely to participate in adult health examinations. However, the correlation between religion and Pap-smear screening is not significant. A negative relationship is found to exist between women who smoke and the number of women over the age of 60 who have undergone Pap-smear screening. The connection between religion and mammography is also not obvious. Women who are over 50 years old, are married, and with higher education are more likely to undergo a mammogram. Conclusion: Due to the fact that previous studies have neglected the individual socio-economic variable in their empirical analysis, their results are not so comprehensive. In order to amend this defect and present more refined results, this study takes the above factors into consideration, finding that religious people are more inclined to make use of adult preventive healthcare services in Taiwan. In addition, women who engage in religious activities are more likely to avail themselves of female preventive healthcare services.


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