  • 學位論文

台灣薪資停滯之研究 -從大學教育報酬面探討

The Study of Wage Stagnation in Taiwan-View from Returns to College Education

指導教授 : 楊子菡


近年來台灣薪資停滯的問題備受各界關注,國內不少文獻指出因高等教育擴張,高等人才供過於求、品質下降,平均薪資下滑,高學歷不再是高薪資的保證,但真是如此嗎?還是另有其他原因呢?本文主要分為兩階段,第一階段先採用行政院主計總處《台灣人力運用調查》資料以內生性檢定、弱工具變數檢定及過度限制檢定選擇每一年度適用的模型與工具變數組合後,再使用最小平方法或二階段最小平方法估計1978-2013年共36年的台灣地區大學教育報酬率,第二階段將勞動供給面、勞動需求面及總體經濟面納入時間序列模型內探討這36年大學教育報酬率趨勢之成因。 實證結果發現,1978-2013年台灣地區大學教育報酬率介於4.2%-15%之間,整體呈現下滑的趨勢,近十年波動較大。第二階段估計結果顯示勞動供給面對大學教育報酬率有負向效果,勞動需求及總體經濟面對大學教育報酬率有正向效果,可以反映出大學教育擴張、大學勞動人口增加並不必會造成大學教育報酬率下降,必須考量勞動需求面及總體經濟面的因素。長期而言,需求面與總體面因素對大學教育報酬率有顯著影響效果,可視為影響大學教育報酬率的重要因素,至於勞動供給面對台灣教育報酬率雖有負向的影響,但效果較小。


In recent years, the wage stagnant problem in Taiwan has attracted considerable attention. Many literatures indicate that the fall of real wages may be due to the expansion of higher education, oversupply of the higher-educated workers, and the deterioration of education quality. Many have said that the value of college diploma has declined and it no longer guarantees a higher salary. Is it really so? Or is there other reasons? This paper is divided into two parts. In the first part, we use endogeneity test, weak instrumental variables test and over identify restrictive test to select the appropriate model and instrumental variables combination, and then we use two-stage least squares method or least squares to estimate the rate of returns of college education in Taiwan during1978-2013, total 36 years. In the second part, we use a time series model to explain the variation of the rate of returns of college education by including the variables of labor supply, labor demand and macroeconomic performance. The empirical results show that overall speaking, the rates of returns of college education during 1978-2013 showed a downward trend, with the value at the range of 4.2% -15%. The second part results show that the labor supply factors have a negative effect on the rate of returns but not statistically significant. Meanwhile, labor demand factors and macroeconomic performance factors have a positive and statistically significant effect on the rate of returns. It reflects that the expansion of high education may not be the crucial factor causing the reduction of the rate of returns of college education. The factors of labor demand side and macroeconomic performance must be taken into consideration. .




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