  • 學位論文

賦權式規劃在臺北的實踐? 以社區規劃師制度為例

Empowering Urban Planning in Taipei? A Case Study of Community Planner

指導教授 : 張容瑛


規劃理論的發展,隨大環境變遷,逐漸邁向多元複雜的情勢中,過去的經驗受到挑戰、新生的問題有待解決,造就了自1960年後開始,規劃理論的蓬勃發展。儘管彼此強調的重點不盡相同,但對於多元參與導入、規劃者的角色反省,以及正視權力運作的存在其中等特點上卻是一致的。這些新出現的規劃理論,無一不強調翻轉過往在規劃中由上而下的權力結構的重要性,積極尋求「賦權」的實踐。 台灣直至80年代仍欲維持綜合理性的規劃論述,但在面臨全球化、空間再結構的挑戰下不得不做出改變。不論是在擴大公共過程和參與、培植社會資本或是彈性化都市治理當中,皆可發覺民間與政府雙方對於實踐賦權的意向。在此趨勢中,臺北市自民國88年開始施行社區規劃師制度,相關計畫的實施已邁入了第15個年頭,在其政策中,確有實踐賦權之目標,然而自本制度建立以來,不論是官方或是學界,皆發現該制度在實踐過程中產生了許多問題。 為求當今制度推行之現況,並藉此審視賦權式規劃在台北的實踐,本研究透過分析現有規劃理論以及賦權之相關文獻,配合政府、社區規劃師、學術領域中,關鍵制度參與者的訪談,將規劃中的賦權,共分成「妝點式賦權」、「筆塗式賦權」、「彩繪式賦權」三個由低至高的階段,並以此為架構,搭配實例分析,檢視當今之社區規劃師制度。其中,本研究主要發現有三: (1) 在先天失衡的歷史脈絡,以及後天失調的實踐場域中,社區規劃師所實踐的賦權成果,多數僅為低階層之妝點式賦權 (2) 即使在這樣低階段的賦權中,因為參與者間溝通上的落差,問題依然層出不窮。包括對彼此角色認知的混雜、難以建立互信基礎與共識、政策間缺乏聯繫等,都是現有制度實踐中的障礙。(3) 少部分民間與政府案例,雖展現出邁向彩繪式賦權的企圖,在推動的過程中,卻依舊遭遇相似的問題,無法一蹴可及,顯示在透過制度實踐賦權的進程中,增加制度參與者間的溝通,循序漸進的發展是必要的。 關鍵詞:賦權、社區規劃師、規劃理論、實踐


The development of planning theory has become more and more complicate, in the change of society and challenges, problems cause by it. Since 1960, althoug each planning didn’t has same emphasis, it's clear that they all have some same character. Such as multiple participation, introspection of planners themselves , and faced with "power" working in it. None of these new planning theories didn't emphasize the importance to reverse power structure, looking for a way to let "Empower" happen. Until to the 80s, Taiwan's planning still remain in the concept of rational, comprehensive planning. But when the globalization and reconstraction of space comes, it forced the government to make some change. Both the government and people have the same consensus on empowerment. Community planner, designed by Tiapei government, has come into practice at the year of 1999. After 15 years, however, schollars and government both find huge problems in it. For the sake of knowing how the institution nowadays, and to know how the empowerment practice. My research have delimit three levels of empowerment. After literature reviewing, interviews, case analysis. There's three discover of my research: (1) The results of empower in community planner are almost at low level. (2) Even in low level of empowerment, there's still many problems in there. (3) In the process to improve empowerment level, create more communication between participants, make sure the progress is down to earth, are still the most important thing. Keywords: Empowerment, community planner, planning theory, planning practice


