  • 學位論文


The Feasibility Research of Government Accounting Reform Converged With IFRSs

指導教授 : 薛敏正


本論文主要目的有三:(1)探討政府會計改革的國際趨勢;(2)探討我國政府會計改革向IFRSs趨同的可行性;(3)希望藉由本研究提供我國政府會計改革過程中可能碰到的問題及建議解決方案。 本研究主要是從國內外期刊、論文及網際網路收集相關文獻,透過文獻分析探討,作為本文論述的參考依據。 本論文的重點有四,包括:(一)探討政府會計改革的國際趨勢;(二)探討我國政府會計的問題及改革情況(三)探討我國政府會計改革向IFRSs趨同的可行性與(四)建議,說明如下: (一)本文收集國際公共部門會計準則委員會(IPSASB)、美國、英國及聯合國有關政府會計改革的相關資料以分析政府會計改革的國際趨勢,改革的趨勢為:權責發生制會計基礎及政府合併報表,甚至以向企業會計趨同為目標。 (二) 當前我國中央政府公務機關會計事務處理係依行政院主計處64年訂頒「中央總會計制度」及75年頒行「普通公務單位會計制度之一致規定」辦理(黃永傳,2007)。會計法主要亦沿用民國61年修訂之內容,許多規定已不符目前政經環境之需要。行政院主計處自民國81年成立「政府會計準則委員會」起著手進行政府會計改革,至目前已制定3號政府會計觀念公報及11號政府會計準則公報,目前尚在試辦階段。 (三)本文藉由(1)比較政府會計與企業會計之差異、(2)比較我國政府會計準則、國際公共部門會計準則及國際財務報導準則在資產、負債、收入、費用及財務報表方面相關的規定、(3)我國政府會計改革的效益分析等三方面來分析我國政府會計向IFRSs趨同的可行性。 企業會計在許多方面是可以作為政府會計參考的標的,例如財務報導目標、會計基礎、衡量焦點、合併財務報表等,但由於政府組織特性或國情的不同,政府在某些項目上其規定可能不同於企業會計,例如社會保險、員工退休金等社會福利性質負債,某些項目又不在企業會計的規範之內,例如收藏品及傳承資產的規範、政府施政績效相關資訊、預算執行情形的資訊等。 (四)建議參考企業會計(IFRSs)之規範,在適當的範圍內加以引用,以收事半功倍之效。例如,逐步向權 責發生基礎及經濟資源流量衡量焦點調整,與檢討基金基礎財務報表的必要性。 關鍵字:IFRSs、權責發生制會計基礎、政府合併報表、國際公共部門會計準則、衡量焦點


The purposes of this study are: to investigateing the international trends of government accounting reform, to discuss the feasibility of government accounting reform converged with IFRSs, and to provide several solutions about the problems occurred in the government accounting reform process. This study’s key points include the following: 1. To study the international trends of government accounting reform by analysing those literatures of the IPSASB,the United States,the United Kingdom and the United Nations on government accounting reform.We discovered the trends are: accrual accounting basis,consolidated financial statements of government,or even being converged with enterprise accounting. 2. Currently Taiwan government accounting practice is in accordance with those laws and regulations which were promulgated about 30 years ago.Some of those laws and regulations have been inconsistent with the current political and economic environment.Since 1992,the Executive Yuan set up the “Government Accounting Standards Board” to proceed with the reform of government accounting,three government accounting conceptuals frameworks and eleven government accounting standards had been developed . 3. This study analysed the feasibility of government accounting reform converged with IFRSs through three aspect:(1)compareing government accounting with enterprise accounting,(2)compareing the regulations in Taiwan Government Accounting Standards, IPSASs and IFRSs .(3)discussing the situation of Taiwan government accounting reform. 4. Recommend government reference IFRSs when establish or revise Government Accounting Standards in order to achieve the objective of internationalize. Such as revising accounting basis and measurement focus towards accrual basis accounting and economic resources flow. Keywords: IFRSs, Accrual basis accounting, Consolidated financial statements of government,IPSASs, Measurement focus.


IFAC,2014,The Importance of Accrual-based Financial Reporting In the Public Sector.
IPSASB,2014,Handbook of International Public Sector Accounting pronouncements.
Division, United Nations).
