  • 學位論文


A Study of Annotations of Mr. Dongpo's Poetry Collection and Restoration

指導教授 : 王國良 盧錦堂


《施顧註蘇詩》為南宋時人施元之、施宿父子以及顧禧三人共同編註的編年體東坡詩註本,三人皆以博學聞名,註文中保留的宋代史料使得此書具有極高學術價值。此書流傳不廣,僅寧宗嘉定六年(1213)刊本與理宗景定三年(1262)的鄭羽修補本兩種。元、明間少有著錄,入清後所知者僅數本,且多為殘帙。宋犖自江南藏書家購得宋本《施顧註蘇詩》殘本三十卷,令門下邵長蘅等人重新校補為新刻本《施註蘇詩》,因將原書註釋大幅刪減,失去原貌,此後開啟清人補註蘇詩之風氣,陸續有查慎行、翁方綱、馮應榴等人的著作,然而在闕卷註文的復原上仍未完備。1965年,日本學者倉田淳之助和小川環樹所輯《蘇詩佚注》的施顧註佚文,來源於五山時期禪僧大岳周崇的蘇詩講義《翰苑遺芳》,方知《施顧註蘇詩》曾東傳日本。 本篇論文從兩個方向探討《施顧註蘇詩》,一是縱向的論述《施顧註蘇詩》的流傳概況,利用藏印、題跋以及文獻中的著錄闡述現存於世四部的遞藏經過,今臺北國家圖書館藏嘉定本十九卷因歷經波折,別開一章。二是橫向的論述《施顧註蘇詩》流傳過程中因卷數散佚而起的復原工作,分為清代的補註成果和日本輯佚材料檢視。清人補註集中在存卷殘缺的復原;日本五山時期則相當於中國的宋、元年間,時值漢學東傳日本,禪僧講註蘇詩以王十朋百家註為底本,蘇詩抄物偶見施顧之語。除了《翰苑遺芳》,諸如瑞溪周鳳《脞說》、萬里集九《天下白》,皆收錄在笑雲清三所編《四河入海》,與米澤文庫所藏元刊本《增刊校正王狀元集註分類東坡先生詩》卷葉中的日人批註,皆可作為闕卷中施顧註輯佚材料,以求更貼近原書面貌。


顧禧 施元之 施顧註蘇詩 施宿


"Annotations of Mr. Dongpo's Poetry"is writted by Shi Yuanzhi and his son Shi Su with Gu Xi during the Southern Song Dynasty. The annotations reserve for historical materials of Song Dynasty have academic valuable. "Annotations of Mr. Dongpo's Poetry"only published two edition at 1213 and 1262. These edition are not being widely circulated and not record between the Yuan and Ming Dynasty. Being Qing Dynasty, "Annotations of Mr. Dongpo's Poetry is fragmentary. Song Luo purchase the book is lost 12 chapters so he command Shao Changheng to revision. Because delete annotations, It is differ from the original book. Although Qing Dynasty famous scholars proceed with supplement with annotations, it’s still fragmentary. At 1965, Japanese scholars edit annotations of Mr. Dongpo's poetry from Gozan monks works. It is point about "Annotations of Mr. Dongpo's Poetry"appeared in Japan between the Kamakura Period and Muromachi period. The main content of this paper is divided into two part. One is about " Annotations of Mr. Dongpo's Poetry " collection to expound. The other is about supplementary lost annotations. Qing Dynasty famous scholars no found supplementary annotations of lost chapters, but japan found these. Gozan monks read sinology and annotate Mr. Dongpo's Poetry, their writings include "Annotations of Mr. Dongpo's Poetry"lost part is something to gathering materials for the original.


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