  • 學位論文


The Study of Mao Shi Zheng Yi Dan Shu Ben

指導教授 : 林慶彰


經書對中國文學、史學、哲學等有極深遠的影響。在經書流傳過程中,由於地域、時空、語音等的影響以及師徒間轉相授受之下,經書也並非一成不變,它不斷地接受後人的注解、闡釋,以探求聖人本意。於是乎,漢代有章句之學,對於經書給予解釋、說明。至南北朝有義疏之學,不外乎更進一步闡釋聖人旨義。至唐太宗時,詔孔穎達等人修纂《五經正義》,將南北朝以來發展多歧的義疏定於一尊。此後,《五經正義》成為科舉考試之依歸,也局限了讀書人的視野。   《毛詩正義》為《五經正義》之一。初纂之時,乃是單行之樣貌,與經書分開別行,在版本學上,稱之為「單疏本」,有別於「經注疏合刻本」。自唐永徽四年《五經正義》修訂完成,正式頒行起,《毛詩正義》就保持單行的方式,與經注本分別流傳。敦煌唐人寫卷殘卷、日本古抄本殘卷,皆可證明《毛詩正義》在當時為單行本行世。後唐版刻漸興,印刷術逐漸發展至經籍之印行,當時印刷技術是否遍及所有經典,今無法逐一證明。然相關紀錄中,《毛詩正義》單疏本最早乃由北宋國子監所刊刻,金人揮軍南下後,北宋監版多為被奪或毀於爭戰,南宋政府在困頓之際,僅取江南僅存北宋監本覆刻,為今日傳世之南宋刻單疏本《毛詩正義》。   《五經正義》可謂隨著科舉取士應運而生,然而各經單疏《正義》也隨著科舉風潮、刻版印刷術的興盛而衰亡,本論文試著探討《毛詩正義》在中國散佚的情況。單疏本在其書籍發展上,確實有其使用之不便性,加上後期科舉改制、書籍流通快速,加以經注疏合刻本之衝擊,乃使單疏《正義》逐漸衰亡不存。幸賴敦煌寫卷殘卷、日藏殘卷出土,更幸日本尚存缺前七卷之南宋刻本。筆者取其與阮元所刻之經注疏合刻本《毛詩注疏》相互比較:在分卷上,單疏本在與經注合刻的過程中,因卷數不同,在分卷上的發展乃先依《正義》本四十卷,後改從經注本二十卷,最後再從經注本的規模上,再細分成若干小卷之七十卷。文字上,從單疏本《毛詩正義》與阮元《毛詩注疏》互有差異下,從中,單疏本由於改動較少,當中訛誤雖不免,然其實有利於經書再校勘、利用之重要價值。   單疏本《毛詩正義》的價值,除校勘清代阮元所刻的《十三經注疏》本外,更可藉此探求南北朝義疏面貌,更能以此補足歷代目錄、版本學之缺遺,甚至可以此輯佚出鄭玄《詩譜》之相關內容。是以單疏本《毛詩正義》相關議題尚賴吾人再深入研究,以期為經學研究多出一分力。


單疏本 毛詩正義


Dan-Shu-Ben (單疏本)as regards Chinese Confucian classics is very important. In the Chinese Confucian classics evolves, Jing (經) and Zhu (注) at the earliest was stage to separated spread, Until Ma-Rong (馬融) will Jing (經) and Zhu (注) merger, break with a traditional Confucian classics form. After, the Southern and Northern Dynasties Yi-Shu (義疏) to start to be prosperous.But, Yi-Shu (義疏) and Jing -Zhu (經注) didn't merge to read together. At Five Dynasties periods, print the technique progress, the Confucian classics through the printing publishes to turn into flourish. The north Song Guo-Zi-Jian (國子監) publishes the Wu-Jing-Zheng-Yi (《五經正義》) Providing people learn reading, Imperial personnel selection, its form still for publish alone. The north Song last years of the period,nomads from the invaded north. At that time, nomads loot or damage the north Song to engrave version. After, the south Song government is in the difficult moment, can only use the north Song Guo-Zi-Jian Ben (國子監本) engrave the version overlay to engrave. Maoshi zhengyi (《毛詩正義》) Dan-Shu-Ben (單疏本) is this period publishes. Subsequently, the imperial examination flourish, the examination system has changed, with increasingly sophisticated printing technology, develop into Jing-Zhu-Shu (經注疏) He-Ke-Ben (合刻本). Soon after, Dan-Shu-Ben (單疏本) gradually lost, disappear in China. This thesis with Maoshi zhengyi(《毛詩正義》)Dan-Shu-Ben (單疏本) for study the topic. And with Ruan Yuan(阮元) Mao-Shi- Zhu-Shu (《毛詩注疏》)to comparison. Study the Dan-Shu-Ben (單疏本) and Jing-Zhu-Shu (經注疏) He-Ke-Ben (合刻本) difference. Analytical Maoshi zhengyi (《毛詩正義》)with Dan-Shu-Ben (單疏本) of literature value. Chapter one is introduction which describes research motivation,materials,research methods,and reviews research status in the past. The second chapter is to discuss Wu-Jing-Zheng-Yi (《五經正義》) edited of motive. Analyze the Wu-Jing-Zheng-Yi(《五經正義》) and the Southern and Northern Dynasties Yi-Shu (義疏) relation. The third chapter is to discuss Maoshi zhengyi (《毛詩正義》)Dan-Shu-Ben (單疏本)now to collect in the library, and museum...etc situation. Analytical south Song government publish the Maoshi zhengyi(《毛詩正義》) Dan-Shu-Ben (單疏本) 's process. Analyze the structure of this book, and analyze this book's lost reason in China. Chapter fourth from the structure, and writing content...etc., to carry on the Maoshi zhengyi (《毛詩正義》)Dan-Shu-Ben (單疏本) and Ruan Yuan(阮元) Mao-Shi- Zhu-Shu(《毛詩注疏》) analyze comparison. Chapter five is analytical Maoshi zhengyi (《毛詩正義》)Dan-Shu-Ben (單疏本)'s literature value. Chapter six is conclusion which describes summary of evidences and expectation in future research.


Mao Shi Zheng Yi Dan Shu Ben


