  • 學位論文


A Study of redaction in “San Cai Tu Hui, Clothes Section”

指導教授 : 楊果霖


《三才圖會》一書,不但是明代,也是古代中國少見「圖文並茂」的類書;這種圖文相間的編纂方式,明代之前的中國,受限於工藝技術,無法大規模量產圖錄書籍;但到明代以後,版畫的興盛,多有名人畫家願意為書籍插畫,加之江南雕版印刷技術的革新,使量產書籍成為可行之事,也使如《天工開物》這般有大量圖畫的類書有出現機會,《三才圖會》正是在這個時代,才有辦法出現的著作。         圖文相間的書籍,與僅有文字的書籍,相比之下,讓讀者更容易了解書籍所記錄的內容,可以經由圖畫得知物體的具體形象;與單純的圖錄相較,由於有精要的文字敘述,讀者在閱讀時,不致於出現知其形不知其名的狀況;由此可知,圖文相間的編纂形式,在類書的編纂上,有不可取代的實用優勢,如「衣服」的樣式,就算有文字詳細說明其整體樣式,但細部構型,或是文字難述,又或是作者不察,沒有清楚寫出,後人就難以復原,可謂「差之毫釐,謬以千里」,可見圖文相間的作品,自有其重要性。         筆者所論,正是《三才圖會.衣服卷》的內容,由於明、清之際,滿州人實行「薙髮易服」的強硬政策,導致漢服的型式,在中國幾近斷絕,使現代研究者,在討論漢服的發展時,往往缺少關鍵資料,就算有出土文物,也難以得知在當時的名稱,無法對應古籍,《三才圖會.衣服卷》正可補充其中的缺憾。         整體而言,《三才圖會.衣服卷》不但在書本的編纂上,有其特殊之處,在文獻的保存上,更是有難以替代的價值,近年學界已開始有對《三才圖會》一書的研究,但多為短篇論文的型式,以引用其中圖像為證據的方式居多,對論述此書相對較少,《三才圖會.衣服卷》更尚未有系統性的論述;《三才圖會.衣服卷》的內容,不論是就類書的編纂方式,又或是文獻史料的保存,都有極高的價值,還望筆者的研究,可讓讀者對此書的價值,有更清楚的了解。


王思義 王圻 《三才圖會》 衣服


"San-Cai Tu Hui" is one of rarely existed category books which was edited with both texts and pictures. This kind of edition method was limited by the technology and could not mass-scale production before Ming Dynasty. Since Ming, however, with the booming of printmaking, many painters willing to painted illustrations, coupled with innovation woodblock printing technology emerged in south China. Then "San-Cai Tu Hui" appeared in times.      Compare with the books with only texts, books have both texts and pictures can let people understand easier. Reader can figure out what it describes by not only words but also through the pictures. Therefore, it can help researchers avoid the misunderstanding and find the right way.      In addition, because of the custom policy in clothes and hair in Qing Dynasty, the original form was almost cut off. Today, when researchers study the development in traditional wears, they always lack for the key information either the images or names. “San-Cai Tu Hui, Clothes Section” can be the solution.      In short, “San-Cai Tu Hui, Clothes Section” has its unique style in the compilation. Moreover, it has incomparable price in documentary preservation. Recent studies have put more efforts on “San-Cai Tu Hui”, but much of short papers and citing as references, and rarely studied in this book, no mention for the systematic study. “San-Cai Tu Hui, Clothes Section” has its unique value in edition and document preservation. Hope this study can make reader understand the price of the book clearly.


Wang SI YI Wang Qi San Cai Tu Hui Clothes


15. 何炳棣:《明清社會史論》(臺北:聯經出版公司,民102,12)。
51. 樊樹志:《明清江南市鎮探微》(上海:復旦大學出版社,1990年)。
14. 李國彤:〈明清之際的婦女解放思想綜述〉,《近代中國婦女史研究》(第3期,1995)。
4. 巫仁恕:〈明代平民服飾的流行風尚與士大夫的反應〉,《新史學》10卷3期(民88,09),頁54-109。
7. 林麗月:〈衣裳與風教晚明的服飾風尚與「服妖」議論〉,《新史學》10卷3期(民88,09),頁111-157。
