  • 學位論文


A Study for Impact Factors of Client Relationship Retaining in Auto LED Industry

指導教授 : 張惠真


了解在供應鏈通路之間,哪些因素會如何影響到彼此的合作關係是很重要的,尤其在強調供應鏈通路合作的時代,供應商必須縮短面對市場的反應時間,以及維持較高的運作彈性,才能穩定地與客戶維持持續性的合作意願。 本研究從影響供應鏈通路關係的三個主要因素:衝突、意識到不公平與投機主義,探討此三個主要因素如何影響供應鏈通路之間的關係,以及通路間如何強化合作與保持彈性,並以轉換成本為調節變數,試關係行為與忠誠意圖是否會受到影響,同時也分析與了解人口統計控制變並數與各構面間的關係,並以車用LED產品採購的客戶做為本文研究對象,以問卷方式了解這些因素如何影響供應商與客戶之夥伴關係,並增進良好的合作機制,以提升供應鏈成員間彼此長期且穩定的合作意願。 研究結果發現,三個關係破壞因素(衝突、意識到不公平與供應商的投機主義),除了意識到不公平對關係行為(合作與彈性),以及客戶忠誠意圖(再購意願與口碑)有顯著性影響外,其餘並無顯著關係。另外,關係行為做為中介變數(合作與彈性)對再購意願與口碑亦有相當顯著地影響。而做為調節變數的轉換成本,雖然對關係行為(合作與彈性)與忠誠意圖(再購意願與口碑)之間有調節效果,但不明顯。本研究將進一步說明各變數之間的影響與關係,並根據分析結果,提出對產業有建設性的建議。


In this study, the major purpose is to to measure how the negative relational factors influencing relation behavior and loyalty intention between suppliers and buyers, and if the switching cost play an important role as moderating variable between relation behavior and loyalty intention. Meanwhile, using the ANOVA to analyze the differences among the seven different control variables by conflict, perceived unfairness, seller opportunism, cooperation, flexibility, switching cost, reppurchase intention, and word of mouth. In addition, the presence of switching costs can mean that some seemingly loyal customers are actually dissatisfied but do not defect because of high switching costs. Thus, the level of switching costs moderates the link between cooperation and loyalty. The purposes of this paper are: to examine the moderating role of switching costs in the customer cooperation‐loyalty link; and to identify customer segments and then analyze the heterogeneity in the cooperation‐loyalty link among the different segments. An empirical example based on the automotive LED product market in Taiwan indicates support and managerial implications of the results will be discussed.


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