  • 學位論文


A Study of the Calling on Shareholders’ Meetings by the Supervisor and Minority Shareholders

指導教授 : 張心悌


股東臨時會為改選董監事,為公司行經營權爭奪之必爭之地,可由監察人所召集,或由股東召集,係分別由公司法第220條及第173條所規範。為求與外國立法例進行比較,以利體系之完整,本文除聚焦在監察人 (第220條) 外,另就少數股東之股東會召集權 (第173條) 併同討論。本文緒論提出研究動機、目的、方法、範圍及架構,第二章介紹我國公司法之監察人股東會召集權,第三章我國公司法之少數股東股東會自行召集權,第四章介紹監察人及少數股東股東會召集權之外國立法例:整理美國、英國、德國、中國、日本之立法例與我國立法進行比較分析,第五章為公司法第220條我國相關實務法院裁判案例分析,針對法院認定股東會是否為公司利益召集之必要性加以類型化分析。第六章為公司法第173條案例探討,首先針對是否與第220條有所關聯進行討論;再者,續對第173條法院認定主管機關許可是否為公司利益召集必要性進行分析討論,以找出主管機關之實質審查標準及第1項、第2項少數股東股東會請求召集權與第4項自行召集權之差異,以供後續改進建議。最終,結論與建議:整理本文研究結果後,檢討我國規範與實務運作利弊,對照本文研究目的提出之研究問題,作出回應與結論,再提出本文意見及理想之實務運作方式。 研究結果發現85%監察人召集股東會乃為公司利益而有必要;少有監察人權力濫用而非必要之情形;且九成監察人股東會召集權訴訟皆為經營權爭奪之目的,故法院之實質認定結果影響重大。有四成乃法院「僅認定有必要」之裁判,故可見「為公司利益,於必要時」之概括規定即具符合立法意旨之實益。且確有裁判書中可見律師及法院之錯誤解讀,將「董事會不為召集或不能召集」錯認為原則之「原則例外」規定,故建議公司法第220條實有重新修正為「例示概括」規定而使人民易於理解、可以預見而遵循之處。基於公司治理,為謀求公司整體利益,俾使少數股東落實外部監督機制,有效行使股東會召集權,本文建議公司法第173條應放寬少數股東股東會召集權之限制,即增加不同公司種類彈性之立法設計,並增加少數股東行使股東會召集權權益之保障,如董事會召集期限限制,不僅可避免董事會拖延召集股東會,同時增加對公司董事會審查之形式構成要件,使主管機關更易對公司是否不為召集,建立一貫性之審查標準,使董事會召集義務責任具體化,美、英、日均為若董事會逾期召集,即違反召集義務,少數股東自得具有股東會召集權。


The regulations concerning the right to convene a shareholders’ meeting played a crtical role in the battle of corporate control. In many court cases, the supervisor or minornity shareholders chose to call a special shareholders’ meeting within a definite time to re-elect directors after the annual general shareholders’ meeting. Comparing different articles governing the shareholders’ right to convene shareholders’ meetings, one can find out when a majority shareholder is able to replace the incumbent managers and thus implement his own business strategy. This study conducted an empirical investigation of accumulated courts cases highlights of the right to convene shareholders’ meetings, the role to be assumed by competent authorities or court judgements, the infrastructures to implement the shareholders’ right to convene shareholders’ meetings and whether there is any regulatory structure that is more effective than convening a special shareholders’ meeting to re-elect directors. The finding of this study is that 85% judgements of calling a special shareholders’ meeting by the superivsor are for corporate interest and are necessary, only 15% is not necessary to abuse the right of calling. In addition, the essentially recoginized outcomes by courts are material because 90% judgements of calling a special shareholders’ meeting by the superivsor are for re-election directors to gain corporate control. The focus of this article is a discussion with Article 220 and 173 of Company Act, compared with the different foreign legislations, including U.K., U.S., Japan, Germany, and China, and makes the conclusions and proposes recommendations on Company Act amendment, such as to delete “Subject to the condition that the board of directors does not or is unable to convene a meeting of shareholders” at Article 220 to avoid misunderstanding by court and lawyers and add a deadline of calling a special meeting by board of directors at Article 173 to establish an obligation of board of diectors.


