  • 學位論文


The Comparison of Organization and Operation for Civil Service Training Institutes after Five Municipalities Merger

指導教授 : 陳金貴


2010年12月25日,我國政府重新規劃行政區,形成五都並立的新面貌。由於五都組織編制的擴大,伴隨而來對於地方公務人力訓練之影響勢必甚鉅。本研究旨在針對我國地方行政研習中心及五個直轄市的公務訓練機構進行比較,我國五個直轄市的公務訓練機構辦理型態不盡相同,在過去有關人力訓練的文獻中,鮮少有針對地方公務訓練機構其運作及組織加以比較的研究,因此本研究針對此五個直轄市的公務訓練機構的組織與運作方式進行一水平式之比較,不同的公務訓練組織與運作中差異為何,其中是否有一最適的公務訓練機制可作模範以功效仿,以及其與地方行政研習中心之差異。職是之故,為求實務探索性研究,本研究採取文獻分析法及訪談研究法。 透過文獻分析法及訪談研究法並行後,本研究之研究發現分為兩個部分: 壹、地方行政研習中心與五都公務人力訓練運作現況 一、地研中心及五都皆有進行訓練需求評估的過程,採取的評估方式有由上而下及由下而上兩種途徑。 二、訓練具備即訓即用的性質 三、訓練途徑之多方嘗試 四、受委託辦理時由誰負責課程規劃 五、e化平台的重要性日增,但是卻產生訓練重疊以及資源浪費之情形。 六、訓練機關之獨立性及自主性 貳、縣市改制後對地方行政研習中心與五都影響及定位探討 一、歷經五都改制後,原先存在的訓練機關之運作方式都是沒有改變的。 二、在直轄市成立公務人力訓練單位對於地研中心是否有所影響的回答上有兩種反應,第一種是認為沒有影響,另一種則是認為有影響。 三、除了將訓練資源分享給周邊縣市以外,更多是將訓練資源分享給周邊機關的。 四、五都組織編制及訓練運作方式之比較


December 25, 2010, the Taiwan Government rearranged five City’s administrative divisions. Due to the expanded municipal structures, the civil service’s training programs and institutes should be amalgamated as well. This study conducted the comparison of Regional Civil Service Development Institutes and Five Metropolitan Civil Service Training Institute. Since the insufficient literature on metropolitan Civil Service Training Institute, this study focused more on the vertical comparison of organization and operation of training programs to conclude the differences and effectiveness of diverse training programs in five metropolitan cities. This study conducted a literate review and content analysis of in-depth interviews. This research concludes following two parts: 1. The current operation of Regional Civil Service Development Institutes and Five Metropolitan Civil Service Training Institute: • Two approaches of training evaluations: Top-down approach and Down-top approach. • Practical-oriented training approaches • Diverse training approaches • Assigned specific planners to training programs • Ineffectiveness of e-services: overlapped training programs and wasted resources • Independence of training institutes 2. The impact of five municipalities merger on Regional Civil Service Development Institutes and Five Metropolitan Civil Service Training Institute • No major changes of original training institutes • Two diverse perspectives on the question: “If there is any impact of five municipalities merger on regional civil service development institutes?” • More training resources were distributed to surrounding agencies instead of surrounding cities/ counties • The comparison of organization and operation for Civil Service Training Institute in five metropolitan cities


