  • 學位論文


A study of the practicality of Taiwanese classical literature Database from the perspective of Chinese documentation

指導教授 : 楊果霖


本文之研究動機起因於研究古籍資料庫議題者雖眾多,且領域廣泛,但以文獻學角度論者相較之下顯少。實非常可惜。故筆者決定以文獻學角度討論台灣數位古籍資料庫的應用價值為題探討。章節安排上,首先文獻載體層面之探討入手,並鎖定台灣之數個重點古籍資料庫作為討論對象。自載體談起的理由,其一是數位載體發展日新月異,其二文獻載體一向就是文獻學所討論的主題之一,文獻載體轉換產生的影響、變化更是不能省略不談。可作為研究目標的資料庫廣泛,訂出一個概略範圍,作為研究選定的對象,能夠更有目標的呈現研究的成果。故本文選出數個作為討論對象的台灣古籍資料庫,而選擇這幾個古籍資料庫也必有其挑選原則。其一,必須是台灣之單位而非海外其他機構所建構的古籍資料庫。其二,必須有其穩定性與公信度。其三則是可用於「文獻學研究」助益較多者。這樣的選擇能夠更針對聚焦於「文獻學」的古籍資料庫運用,而不至於被其他雖有關連,但偏離本文主體的古籍類型相關資料庫模糊研究的焦點。 本文撰寫研究之主軸,以文獻學角度討論台灣數位古籍資料庫的應用。將文獻學內幾個重要的學科目錄學、版本學、校勘學、辨偽學、輯佚學以古籍資料庫運用,實際的舉例、分析、討論。古籍資料庫究竟在文獻學研究上可以做到多少?從實際運用操作及其幫助層面來探討,實例說明如何應用台灣古籍資料庫處理文獻學科的研究。在實例探討之後,在後續的章節分析台灣目前的古籍資料庫的價值與優點,並檢討現有古籍資料庫的不足之處。最末以未來展望結語,期以未來選書種類更加多元化,古籍資料庫系統介面,應當與時俱進,隨著科技進步也能更為人性化,更好操作。還有相當重要的古籍資料庫數位資訊整合,未來若能有大規模將古籍資料庫整合為一個大型可互通有無的古籍知識庫型態,對研究者、使用者來說,將是未來研究古籍文獻學科之利器。


The research motivation is while the study of the application for Chinese Bibliography data base. However, the research under the light of literature for Chinese Bibliography is scare. Therefore, we decide to further explore the application of data base from literature point of view. The first section of this paper is a brief discussion of all kinds of carriers for the ancient literature. In first section, our discussion target several important ancient literature data bases. We have two major reasons to start our paper with the literature carrier. The first reason is in the digital age the carrier of the literature changes every day. The second reason is the carrier of the literature is long be a main topic of the literature, thus the impact of the new developed carrier is an un-negligible issue of the literature study. While the data bases qualified for research purpose are wildly available, we limit ourselves with the data base meet our standers. This selection process is aim to help us targeting the proper data base in order to better serve our interest of study. Our selection rules are following: First, the data base has to be constructed by Taiwan, in other words we focus on the domestic data bases. Secondly, the data base management must be done by a stable and wildly trust organization. Thirdly, the data base should have some application on literature research. Our selection should help us target on the data base which are more closely related to our research interest. Our interest is to investigate the applications of digital data base from literature study point of view in Taiwan. We implement several important subjects including Chinese Bibliography, Chinese Textual Criticism, Chinese Editions, and Document Orthodoxy and give several real life example and case studies of some application. In case studies we discuss the rule of the data base in literature research. From the practitioner’s point of view we study the application of those data base and efficiency of implementing the data base in literature research. We also prove broad discussion of advantages and disadvantages of current data base. We also present several possible direction for future improvement. In conclusion, we expect the data base can expand to include more ancient literature. We also expect a much user-friendly interface for current data base. One of the most important directions of improvement is increasing the cooperation and data base sharing between different data base system.


