  • 學位論文


Standard Form Contract for Digital Content

指導教授 : 方鄒昭聰




With the digital environment coming. Digital Content have gradually led to the virtual replacement of traditional Content. Digital Content keep of all the transactions on the Internet. For instance, a user who purchased the right of the legitimate use is granted to make deals online, which means he may sign a contract with a non-specific person. And a standard form contract is one of the contract templates. The study aims to improve the cost that is caused by a buyer and a seller when signing a contract and provide a convenient and fast negotiation mechanism. Both parties’ doubts about the contract can be resolved by consultations with each other. Through an appropriate contract template, both parties are able to make a choice and modify the contract’s content to meet the needs of both sides. This study intends to design an interactive process of authorizing distribution and offer a platform for both parties’ to negotiate on the authorization contract.


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