  • 學位論文


A comparative study on Pilgrimage organization between “Dajia Mazu”and “Baishatun Mazu”

指導教授 : 謝潮儀


「大甲媽祖遶境進香」與「白沙屯媽祖進香」同為中台灣媽祖徒步進香之兩大盛事,進香距離同樣跨越臺中海線、彰化、雲林,相關組織編制上也有部份相似如報馬仔、頭旗、神轎班、執士隊等,但兩者確有更多不同之處。 本論文以分別深入觀察兩者之後,先以各自的進香源流、進香組織、爐主制度、信徒組成、文化性團體分析,再就進香特色、進香組織、信徒、相關文化行銷部份進行比較研究。 此研究發現:各自信徒雖同樣為自發性參與,但因人為介入的情況不同而影響信徒參與意願。進香當中,大甲媽祖的神轎依循鎮瀾宮原先規劃好的路線前進,有經驗的隨香客通常會比神轎提早抵達欲停駕之宮廟停歇,白沙屯媽祖的神轎則是整個進香隊伍的中心,路線由其決定,香丁腳得緊跟隨於神轎四周才不會脫隊,而神轎靈動在信徒眼中代表神意展現,相較於大甲媽祖的固定已知,白沙屯媽祖的不定與未知正是吸引信徒參與的主要因素之一,但白沙屯媽祖參與人數逐年增加之下,要如何在管理與維持傳統上保持平衡,正考驗著相關決策者。


The pilgrimages of the Dajia Mazu and the Baishatun Mazu are both regarded as the most popular pedestrian religious rituals in central Taiwan. The common routes of these two Pilgrimages are across the coastal area of Taichung City, Chang-Hua county, and Yun-Lin county, and the relevant organizations involved in the pilgrimages are rather similar. However, there are still much more particular differences between the two pilgrimages. This thesis, a comparative study, has first respectively reviewed and observed the history and the organization of the two Pilgrimages, as well as their Lotsu system, their structure of believers, and their diversified combination of cultural groups. Moreover, the Pilgrimages’ characteristics, organizations, believers, and marketing strategies will be carefully compared and analyzed depended on their similarities and differences. The study has found that the believers who participate in these two pilgrimages are generally volunteers; nevertheless, some man-made factors which are interfered in the pilgrimages become influential to the willingness of believers. The palanquin of Dajia Mazu Pilgrimage always follows the route which has been precisely planned by the Jenn Lann Temple alone and the experienced followers usually arrive at the temples earlier than the palanquin. In comparison, the holy palanquin of Baishatun Mazu Pilgrimage, seen as the center of the whole parade, is the agent that determines the route per se. Under such a scenario, the following pilgrims on foot have to carefully keep in step with the palanquin ahead. Baishatun Mazu Pilgrimage as such, compared to the well-known Dajia Mazu Pilgrimage, is regarded as more attractive by the sense of unpredictability and changeability. At any rate, for maintaining its popularity and attracting more followers, its future consideration to search for a new agenda to balance the modern management and the traditional spirit is one of the major calculation and challenge to the policymakers.

