  • 學位論文


A Comparative Case Study of Japan’s Territorial Disputes:Linkage of Domestic Politics and Foreign Policy

指導教授 : 吳秀光


日本近年同時在四個島嶼包括釣魚台、獨島、南千島群島及沖之鳥礁發生領土爭議,而在2012年達到高峰,因此與周邊國家包括中國、台灣、南韓、俄國進入了關係緊張的狀態。過去國際關係的理論中,多視國家為最重要的行為者,但在全球化及民主化後,許多學者認為國內政治對國際政治仍是有影響力的。綜合各觀點,國內政治中的輿論、經濟情勢、政黨、官僚及領導人是會影響外交政策。本研究藉由上述因素作為架構,並以文獻分析及比較個案研究法,討論跟分析日本領土爭議的變化。   研究結果顯示,國內政治對於外交政策確實有一定的影響力。國內行為者對於領土爭議的關注度及施壓程度,將會影響最後領土爭議的決策者為官僚或領導人。進一步分析,國內政治壓力可視為國內政治行為者互動的機制,行為者們可與內部互動,也可判讀外部其他行為者的政治意圖。若在判讀上產生誤解,將使得政治壓力升高,局勢將被推向危險的狀態。   由於領土政策的難解性,加上二戰後日本並未將歷史問題處理妥當,本研究建議日本政府短期內需要改變國內政治的議程設定,使得右翼偏激分子較無舞台發揮。另外,日本與區域內各國需要加強社會層次的交流,減少雙方因內部機制如國內政治與文化等問題使得對外部對此造成錯誤的認知,增加彼此信任,才有辦法先進行歷史問題的處理,進一步解決領土問題。


Over the past few years, Japanese relation with its neighbor countries deteriorated because of Japanese government’s claim of sovereignty over recent disputed territories, including Diaoyu Islands, Liancourt Rocks, Kuril Islands and Okinotorishima. The neighbor countries, such as China, Taiwan, South Korea and Russia are all irritated by Japan’s recent moves. According to the international relation theories, country is the key actor. However, after globalizing and democratizing spread out over the world, many scholars believe that the domestic politics have some influence on international politics. Many scholars in international relations believe there may be domestic politics behind Japan’s simultaneously monolithic move. Factors of domestic politics include: public opinion, economic situations, political parties, bureaucrats, and political leaders. Therefore, in this paper, these five dimensions are utilized to analyze those Japanese territorial disputes and to understand whether domestic politics affect international politics or not. Based on document analyses and comparative case studies, discussing the relation between domestic and international politics; also, observing the gearing effect on these disputed territories.   According to the research, domestic politics have a great effect upon international politics. The level of attention and the degree of pressure affect actors to make different decision by either bureaucrats or leaders. In the cases of Diaoyu Islands and Liancourt Rocks, the highly attention and pressure made a leader to step in the diplomatic policies and played more predominant role. On the other hand, in the cases of Kuril Islands and Okinotorishima, the less attention and pressure made bureaucrats have more room to make decisions. All kinds of domestic pressures could be considered a mechanism of politics actors’ interactions in domestic and the interpretation of external political actors’ moves. For example, if actors mislead the interpretation, the political pressure increases. Moreover, there is a gearing effect on those four disputed territories, which will change the preference from domestic politics actors and the strategy of international alliance. In the end, territorial disputes got more and more complicated.   In conclusion, due to the difficulties on territorial disputes and historical problems among Japan and other countries, the solutions of Japanese dilemma are the government should change the agenda setting in domestic politics and strengthen communication of civilization in order to avoid right-wings heating up disputes and to re-build the trust among other countries. After that, the Japanese government may find ways to deal with other countries on historical problems than territorial disputes.




