  • 學位論文


A Study of Multi-village Alliances for the Worship of Bao-Sheng-Da-Di in Annan District, Tainan City

指導教授 : 林美容


西元1661年,南明遺臣鄭成功攻克臺灣,這是漢人大規模自中國大陸移民來臺之起始。隨著這些移民進入臺灣的,還有原鄉的文化生活、風俗民情及宗教信仰,經過三百多年來的融合下,造就出屬於這片土地獨有的台灣文化。這些移民為了克服開發初期的惡劣環境、求生存,只好結合鄰近庄頭或同鄉移民,組成跨村庄的聯防系統,這樣的組織不單是防衛,同時也是一種信仰的結合,透過信仰的力量、祭祀活動的常態舉行,藉以活化、鞏固這樣的組織,筆者稱之為「聯庄祭祀組織」。   本研究將透過安南區移民開發的歷史,對本區內之民間信仰形成背景及其意義做闡述,詳實歸納出各庄頭廟宇所形成的祭祀圈,再藉此拓展至跨村庄層次的聯庄祭祀,作為全面瞭解與建構安南區保生大帝聯庄祭祀組織之系統脈絡的基礎。同時就本區內之保生大帝聯庄祭祀組織為例,依照其來源祖廟,劃分為「台南縣學甲慈濟宮分靈廟」及「高雄縣湖內鄉慈濟宮分靈廟」兩大系統,就其形成原因、組織形態、地方特色及祭祀活動作探討,並相互比較、分析。   本論文共五大章,首章「緒論」主要闡明研究動機、目的、範圍及方法與本文架構;第二章「相關理論與文獻回顧」則是透過前人對於祭祀圈、信仰圈與聯庄組織,以及台灣保生大帝信仰源流等兩大主題之相關研究作綜合回顧;第三章「安南區人文發展與信仰概況」中主要說明安南區的移民來源、聚落形成以及宗教信仰的型態;第四章「安南區保生大帝聯庄祭祀組織」主要探討安南區保生大帝信仰之發展脈絡及其流變,同時針對兩大保生大帝聯庄祭祀組織之歷史脈絡與發展現況做詳述;第五章「分析與結論」針對區內兩大聯庄祭祀組織其發展脈絡、組織、人群、活動等面向做異同比較與分析,並歸結為本研究成果,做統整性的總結,以供未來於相關領域上後續研究發展之伏筆。


In 1616, Cheng Cheng-kung (also known as Koxinga) of the Southern Ming attacked and took Taiwan, ushering in an era of massive immigration by the Han people to the island from Mainland China. Along with these immigrants came the cultural life, social customs and religious worship of their native land; which, after more than 300 years’ blending, have created the unique Taiwanese culture belonging only to this land. In order to overcome the adverse conditions confronting them in the early stage of settlement for survival, these immigrants had to ally themselves with the nearby villages or fellow villagers from China and form an inter-village defense alliance. Such an alliance, which the author calls ‘multi-village associations for worship, ’is not for defense only; it is also a union of worship, activated and consolidated by the power of worship and routine organization of worship activities.  To provide a basis for a comprehensive understanding and the re-establishment of the context in which the systems of multi-village associations for the worship of Bao-Sheng-Da-Di in Annan District, Tainan City, were developed, this study will, by examining the history of the Han people’s immigration and settlement there, illustrate the background to the development of folk worship in the district and its meaning, and summarize fully and truthfully the rings of worship formed by temples in the villages, which later expanded to multi-village associations for worship of the inter-village level. Meanwhile, based on their origin temples, the study will divide the multi-village associations for the worship of Bao-Sheng-Da-Di in Annan District into two main systems: branch temples of Tzuchi Temple of Syuejia Township, Tainan County and branch temples of Tzuchi Temple of Hunei Township, Kaohsiung County. It will also explore reasons for their development, patterns of organization, local features and worship activities and make a contrastive comparison and analysis.  This thesis consists of five chapters. Chapter 1 “Introduction” is mainly an illustration of the motive, purpose, scope and methodology of the study and the framework of the thesis. Chapter 2 “A Review of Related Theories and Literature” is a general review of previous related studies on two subjects: local cults and regional cults, as well as studies on multi-village alliances. The development of the Bao-Sheng-Da-Di worship in Taiwan is also generally discussed. Chapter 3 “General Situations of Human Development and Worship in Annan District, Tainan City” is basically an explanation of the origin of its immigrants, the development of its immigrant colony and the patterns of religious worship. Chapter 4 “Multi-village Worship of Bao-Sheng-Da-Di in Annan District, Tainan City” is primarily an exploration of the context in which the district’s Bao-Sheng-Da-Di worship was developed and how it has changed. It also discusses in detail the historical context of the two main multi-village associations for the worship of Bao-Sheng-Da-Di and the current situation of their development. Chapter 5 “Analysis and Conclusion” makes a contrastive comparison of these two main multi-village associations with regard to their context of development, organization, community and activities. This concluding chapter also makes an integral summary of the results of this research so as to set stage for the development of future follow-up studies in related fields.


梅慧玉 2006〈社會記憶的書寫與實踐:一個地方版廟誌的產生〉,《民俗曲藝》154:77-131,台北:施合鄭民俗基金會。
林美容 1997《台灣民間信仰研究書目增訂本》,台北:中央研究院民族學研究所。
三尾裕子 2003〈台灣民間信仰研究-日本人觀點〉,張珣、江燦騰合編《台灣本土宗教研究的新視野與新思維》,頁63∼107,台北:南天書局。
張珣 2003〈打破圈圈-從「祭祀圈」到「後祭祀圈」〉,張珣、江燦騰合編《台灣本土宗教研究的新視野與新思維》,頁63-107,台北:南天書局。


