  • 學位論文


The Impact of Mainland China's Corporate Income Tax Changes on Configuration Strategies: The Case of Taiwanese Listed Companies

指導教授 : 林妙雀


中國大陸政府自2008年1月1日起開始實施新企業所得稅法,無論內外資企業所得稅,稅率一致訂為25%,與原本外資企業實質所得稅率相差10~15%。自2005年開始,我國赴中國大陸陸新投資件數為1,297件,截至2008年底,我國赴中國大陸陸新投資件數計有643件,由此數據可看出,我國對中國大陸投資件數,小幅下滑,其中除了大環境之景氣影響之外,本研究進一步探討中國大陸提供給外資企業租稅獎勵優惠之變動與我國台商在中國大陸佈局策略之關係分析。 跨國企業從事全球佈局,不外乎是為了經營效率、營運彈性和全球學習等三大目的(Bartlett et al., 2008),因此,當地主國區位優勢喪失時,跨國企業基於保有低投入高產出之全球效率以及進可攻、退可守之彈性策略,而作價值鏈活動之重新配置。綜觀過去對跨國企業全球佈局策略變動因素之探討文獻,較少將租稅獎勵優惠之變動納入考量,即使納入租稅獎勵優惠之變動,亦多屬推斷性文章,相關量化之文章討論較貧乏。此外,跨國企業在地主國之佈局程度愈深,對地主國投資環境與條件的認識日益增加,一旦察覺地主國之不利投資之因素,能更敏捷判斷因應策略。故本研究以中國大陸2008年企業所得稅稅制改革為例,建立以跨國企業知覺地主國租稅獎勵優惠變動為自變數,跨國企業在地主國的佈局深度為干擾變數,對應變數跨國佈局策略變動影響之研究架構。 本研究以台灣上市、櫃公司為實證對象,發送實體問卷之方式,取得相關實證資料,共計有效回收問卷計有158份。針對這158份回收資料,進行跨國企業知覺地主國租稅獎勵優惠變動和佈局深度,對跨國佈局策略變動之單元與多元迴歸統計分析,以驗證相關研究假說。從本研究之實證驗證結果可知,跨國企業知覺地主國租稅獎勵優惠變動程度與跨國佈局策略變動之主效果關係,呈現正向顯著相關,納入跨國企業在地主國佈局深度之干擾項後,佈局深度會部分強化知覺地主國租稅獎勵優惠變異程度對跨國佈局策略變動之效果。 根據此實證結果,建議企業可擅用國際網絡資訊系統,以協助自身能確實迅速掌握地主國租稅獎勵優惠變動情況,並瞭解自身產業定位,有效利用當地資源優勢,減少侵蝕利基之價值鏈活動配置。政府可考慮設置一監控海內外租稅獎勵優惠之單位,觀察各國租稅獎勵變化對台灣可能造成之衝擊,隨時掌握鼓勵跨國企業來台投資佈局之時機與政策制訂。


Since January 1st, 2008 Mainland China government activate the new corporate tax law, and the new corporate tax rate is 25% for domestic or foreign corporations. From 2005, the number of Taiwanese corporations’ new investments in China was 1297; this number was 643 in the end of 2008. It tells that there is a slight decrease in Taiwanese corporations’ investments in Mainland China. Besides the effects of global economic situation, this study further discuss the relationship of the changes of China government’s tax benefit to foreign companies and Taiwan corporations’ configuration strategies in China. The global configuration strategy of transnational corporations is to achieve operation efficiency, flexibility, and global learning (Bartlett et al., 2008). When the location advantage of the host country no longer exists, the transnational corporation would relocate its’ value chain. Previous researches did not emphasize the tax benefit factor about the change of global configuration strategies very much, and there are not many quantitative studies. The deeper the configuration level of transnational corporations in host country, the faster the corporations can detect the unfavorable investment factors and change their strategies. This study took the background of the reformation of China’s corporation income tax in 2008, awareness of the changes of tax benefits in host country as the independent variables, level of configuration in host country as the contingency variables and the change of global configuration as the depend variables. The sample size is selected from listed companies in Taiwan; questionnaires are sent in mail. This study uses simple and multiple regressions to analyze 158 effective samples. The results showed that the awareness of the changes of tax benefits in host country and the changes of global configuration is significant positive related. It partially strengthens the effect of the changes of tax benefits in host country and the changes of global configuration strategies after adding the contingency variable. The conclusion suggests that transnational corporations can use international information system to detect the changes of tax benefits in host countries and have better understanding of their industry positions, taking advantages of location resources, reducing unfavorable configuration in value chain. Government can set up an organization monitoring the changes of foreign tax benefits and observing their impact to control the timing of foreign investments in Taiwan and the policy establishing.


Bartlett C., Ghoshal, S., & Beamish, P. (2008). Transnational management: Text, cases, and readings in cross-border management. New York: McGraw-Hill.
