  • 學位論文


A study on the conflict between the setup and application of recording surveillance equipment and the protection of privacy right: take the setup of recording surveillance system in Taipei City as an example

指導教授 : 陳耀祥


臺北市政府警察局松山分局,於2007年7月9日召開記者會公佈監視器畫面,呼籲請市民幫忙抓假裝潢真偷竊的三名小偷。不過這三名被拍攝到的人,卻真的是大樓的裝潢工人,卻被當成小偷,以致於隱私權遭受侵犯,名譽受損,連帶造成訂單被取消,帶著律師到臺北市政府警察局松山分局討公道!監視器的畫面被濫用並且經過大眾傳播媒體公開播放報導對民眾的侵害造成難以彌補由此可見。 人權保障及治安效能涉及基本權利的衝突,警察職權的發動,至少應符合於憲法23條之法律保留及比例原則,方符合合法性及正當性之要求。本論文的研究目的如下: 檢視過去文獻及錄影監視系統之發展,探討錄影監視系統設置、管理、運用之依據是否符合法律保留原則。探討地方自治團體可否以地方自治條例,作為設置、管理、運用錄影監視系統之依據? 三、分析警察機關在利用錄影監視系統作為偵查犯罪對人民隱私權造成何種影響?有無違反比例原則?四、根據研究結果作成具體明確之建議,提供各地方自治團體日後推動錄影監視系統立法或修法之參考。警察職權行使所採取之手段主要是以「行政調查」為範圍,國內不論是警政機關或是交通單位裝設、運用監視器主要是以警察職權行使法作為法律依據,中央及各自治團體並未訂定一套完備的法令來規範、管理錄影監視器的使用,以致中央及地方自治團體各為政,目前各縣、市政府皆以管理辦法、暫行條例等「職權命令」方式管理錄影監視器的使用,前揭方式顯然不符合法治國之原則更違反「法律保留原則」。 綜合本論文之研究發現,錄影監視器作為維護國家安全維護社會治安、保障人民生命財產安全的工具之一,其功能目標為;保障人民權益、有效偵防犯罪,基於前述理由本論文建議如下: 警察裝設、運用錄影監視器,無須經由司法機關之審查欠缺管控機制,形成行政機關裁量權過大的疑慮,為確保錄影監視器發揮功效,應成立公正客觀獨立審查委員會監督錄影監視器設置使用。 「警察職權行使法」主要以規制警察行政行為為中心,涉及「警察職權行使法」規範之「蒐集行為」,乃基於行政之目的出發,若為達成刑事目的之有效手段,則可藉由立(修)法方式,於刑事訴訟法中增定之。現行具體可行之作法,加強整理目前仍在使用中的錄影監視系統線路,並將前揭系統設備集中於各地警察派出所(分駐所)平日由各地派出所(分駐所)員警負責、管理,以求事權統一,同時劃分責任區認養、維修機器設備,定期陳報分局或警察局,加強控管,以杜絕個人資料外洩或濫用之情事發生。




Sung-Shan police branch station of Taipei City government police station has made a press conference on July 09, 2007 to announce a video to the public to call for help for recognizing three thieves who pretend themselves as home decorating personnel. However, these three persons taken in the video were really the decorating personnel in that building but treated as thieves, hence, they feel that their privacy was violated and reputation ruined. Therefore, it can be seen that the video taken by surveillance recorder was used in abused way, which can cause great harm to the public when it is played in the public through the public media. Human right protection and public security efficiency has involved the conflict of basic right. The start of police’s right should at least meet the law reservation and proportional principle as stated in article 23 of the constitution, that is, only when the above principle is met, the legal and appropriate requirement is met. The research objective of this thesis is as in the following: 1. To inspect the past development in the literature and in the recording surveillance system to see whether the basis of the setup, management and application of recording surveillance system meets the law reservation principle. 2. To study whether the local self-government group can use self-government law and regulation as basis for the setup, management and application of recording surveillance system. 3. To analyze what impact it might cause to the privacy of the public when the police station uses the recording surveillance system as a tool for crime investigation. Does any proportional principle violated? 4. To make solid and clear suggestions based on the research results, and have the suggestions provided to local self-government group to be used as reference for future legislation or law amendment of recording surveillance system. To sum up, it can be seen that recording surveillance device, as one of the tools to maintain national security, to maintain social security and to protect the safety of life and property of the nationals in the country, it has the following functional goals: It can protect people’s right and it can be used for the inspection and prevention of crime. Based on the above reasons, this thesis has the following suggestions: Right now, the setup and use of recording surveillance device by the police station does not to be examined by the Judicial Organization is not appropriate, that is, the administration organization will have too much right of judgment. To ensure the exploitation of the function of the recording surveillance device, just, objective and independent examination committee should be formed to monitor the setup and use of recording surveillance equipment. “Act for the implementation of police’s right” is mainly to regulate the administrative behavior of police, and the “collection behavior” regulated by ” Act for the implementation of police’s right” is based on administrative purpose. However, if criminal objective is to be reached effectively, it can be achieved through legislation (or law amendment), or it can be added in code of criminal procedure. The current feasible way is to arrange the lines of the recording surveillance systems that are currently in use and have the above mentioned system and equipment collected in each local police station. In the regular time, it should be managed by the police in the local police stations so as to unify the governing right. In the mean time, the responsible area should be divided for the maintenance and repair of the machine and equipment. It should also be reported to local police station or general police station for control purpose so as to avoid the occurrence of personal data or the abused use.


recording surveillance


