  • 學位論文


The research of police commander’s decision-making in mass movement.

指導教授 : 黃富源


筆者曾於97年11月間全程參與大陸海協會會長陳雲林來臺時之警衛勤務,陳會長來臺期間,所到之處幾乎都有反對勢力群眾抗議,從臺北到新竹各地之警察機關莫不緊繃神經加以疏處,深怕一不小心即會影響兩岸局勢的和平進展。惟97年11月5日臺北晶華酒店之群眾活動事件,現場指揮官輕忽民眾聚集時間快速及抗爭到底的心理,使得陳雲林會長受困於飯店內而遲至翌日凌晨2時才得以脫身回到下蹋飯店。事後內政部警政署及臺北市政府警察局亦因部署警力失當而遭監察院糾正。是以筆者希望藉由本研究使警察單位得以瞭解聚眾活動歷程及群眾心理,使現場指揮官面對重大壓力時,能穩定軍心而擬定正確決策。 本研究根據上述構想,並參考國內外文獻,設計訪談大綱,以深度訪談方式,針對服務警界達30年以上、曾任局長且曾親自處理群眾事件3件以上之警察實務專家實施訪談,藉以了解指揮官於處置聚眾活動時,決策行為如何擬定?所遭受的壓力為何?面對上述壓力,渠是否會改變原有之決策行為?指揮官必須具備何種特質?以供後續處置人員研究參考。 研究結果發現如下:(一)指揮官必須要有能身先士卒的特性、要有相當的職務歷練及接受訓練,始能有信心而下達決心;(二)警察機關處置聚眾活動時所遭受的壓力有上級的壓力、同仁的壓力、民意代表的壓力、媒體的壓力及群眾的壓力等;(三)而警察機關處置聚眾活動時決策行為會因上級機關下指導棋而改變;另有關媒體的報導、執勤同仁本身及民眾現場的情緒,皆會造成警察機關處置聚眾活動決策行為的改變;而民意代表的部分,則因上級政府機關傳達處置基調,並要求地區警察機關依此基調執行,而使民意代表的影響力逐漸減少。


聚眾活動 指揮官 決策行為


The author was called upon to perform the duties of security guard during the entire period when Yun-Lin Chen, Chairman of the Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Straits (ARATS), visited Taiwan in November, 2008. The official’s trip to Taiwan was accompanied by protests and voice of dissidents, which racked the nerves of local police from Taipei to Hsinchu in fear of damaging the peace of cross-Strait relations. The incident at Grand Formosa Regent in Taipei on November 5, 2008 was an underestimation of the efficiency and durability of mass mobilization, leaving the Chinese official stuck in the hotel until 2 AM next day, when he was finally free to return to his accommodating one. The inappropriate deployment of police force by Taipei Mayoral Office and the district’s police department was delivered to the Control Yuan for advice on corrective measures. The author thus intends to acknowledge the police with the gatherings and psychology of the masses in the hope of enabling the commanders to make the right decisions under enormous pressure. The study goes through domestic and international literature review based on the given thoughts and drafts a survey outline to administer qualitative interviews with police officers or experts that have served for at least 30 years, have had been a department chief, and have commanded at least 3 of such incidents of mass movements. The targets will be expected to respond to questions such as how they arrived at certain decisions, what kind of stress they went through, whether their decision-making processes were impacted by the pressure, and what characteristics they think a commander must possess. The study yields the following findings: 1) the commander must be fully ready to sacrifice for the sake of the mission in addition to his professional training and experience and confidence in his decisions; 2) the police faces pressure from their supervisors, colleagues, parliament representatives, media, and the public when performing duties with regard to mass movements and uprisings; 3) the decisions are subject to change pursuant to the order from the supervisors, the press coverage, the emotional dynamics of the public and the police force on duty. The influence of the parliament representatives has experienced an incremental decline due to the guidance of police conduct stipulated by the overseeing government officials.


Mass Movement Commander Decision-making Pressure


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