  • 學位論文


A Study on Changes in Construction Contracts

指導教授 : 林誠二


工程契約,為長期性之繼續性契約,其間可能遭遇之風險眾多,變化亦大,故履約期間涉及之權利義務關係亦較一般契約為複雜,常有契約變更之情事發生。又在契約變更情況下,原來契約所建立之雙方意思合致,已經受到鬆動,此時便極易有紛爭產生,解決之道在於契約訂立之初,即建立公平完善的契約變更條款,讓雙方所訂立之工程契約能夠繼續履行。 工程施工具有高度不確定性。每當工程在原先圖說或契約成立後發生些許事由無法繼續施工,定作人指示變更權利即就此發揮功用,讓工程得以續行。於契約調整部分,由於擬制變更為定作人或其代理人有意或無意行為,若造成承攬人施工成本增加及工期延誤,屬可歸責於定作人,依衡平調整原則,應肯認擬制變更理論於現行實務上之適用。若承攬人可據以向定作人請求追加工程款或調整工期,應可使定作人或其代理人進行工程指示行為時更為小心,以減少濫權行為之發生,更有助於工程契約法制化。當然,定作人單方指示變更權利並非毫無限制,其變更之範疇應限於契約通常範圍內,即符合訂約時合理預期及實質同一性之要求;倘若超出契約之通常範圍,即構成「重大變更」。然則「重大變更」在我國鮮少被討論其在民法或工程法之定義及其法律效果,本文即嘗試以「債之同一性」之法律概念來建構「重大變更」於我國民法上的意義,並就此提出認定「重大變更」之原則。 職此,本文係從契約變更類型之不同著手,將工程契約之變更區分成一般變更及重大變更,並對相關實務上之見解及爭議加以整理。其次,參酌外國法針對相關工程契約變更之處理,欲從中找尋一套適用於我國法制下之準則,並就實務上發生的問題,做出實質的討論與意見,俾做為實務界的參考。


The construction contracts go on for a long period of time. It is because that the vast numbers of the uncertainties and risks involved, changes in the work are inevitable. As well as making the relationship between the owner and the constructor should also be more complex. Under this kind of variation, the original subjective expression changed, and which might lead to the contract disputes. The method to resolve is to make fair and reasonable change clauses and to make the construction contract carried out smoothly. The vast uncertainties inherent in most construction contracts. When the construction couldn’t follow the original drawings and specifications, the construction change directive shall be useful to solve the problem and make it proceeded. Since the constructive change order is made by the owner’s intentionally or unintentionally behavior, the owner-caused delays and the additional costs shall be blamed to the owner. In the thoughts of equitable adjustment, the theory shall be applied. If the constructors could claim back the additional costs and schedule changes, the owner and his agent could be more careful in change-ordering, the abuse could be reduced, and legalization could be performed. Moreover, the construction change directive should be limited within the general scope of the contract (whether the completed project is substantially the same as the project contemplated by the parties). If the owner makes a fundamental and material change to ‘outside of the scope’ of the original contract, such an ‘outside scope’ change is known as a ‘cardinal change’. Furthermore, ‘cardinal change’ has been left out by the civil law but also by the construction law. In the result, this essay puts the concept of the same of contract in making a definition of ‘cardinal change’ in the civil law and uses some methods to judge whether a change is ‘cardinal’. Therefore, researching types of changes in the work, and making the definition by viewed whether the change ‘within the general scope’. Apart from summarizing works in effective, related foreign legal precedents and theories, the researcher try to find a reasonable rule to apply in the civil law. Besides, it is the intention of this paper to provide a directive for the parties (owners and constructors) by analyzing contract disputes.


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