  • 學位論文


Body Movement Acquisition and Construct Data Exchange Protocol-based on Laban Movement Analysis

指導教授 : 方鄒昭聰


目前全世界許多國家都致力於提升數位內容產業的發展。近年來,行政院也積極推動「六年國家總體建設計畫」,即把「兩兆雙星」列為重要政策推動重點。但是在相關領域研究中發現,目前數位內容產業中,動畫遊戲領域產學研究之整合不足,且市面上動畫、遊戲相關產業的人物角色之動作在動畫、電影與遊戲產業中,以一般業界技術而言,足以達到製作動畫遊戲與電影的能力,但對於角色動作質地的掌握仍屬於手工和經驗層次,多半是注重動作「形」的展現,卻沒有「質」的成份。在運動醫學方面,歐美各國正積極的將運動科學和人體分析結合實際運動訓練,然而目前的動作技術分析,並未考慮人體的可變性與可塑性,因此分析的結果常常是與實際的人體動作有所差異。有鑑於此,如何增進動作質地的掌握是很重要的議題。拉邦動作分析(Laban Movement Analysis, LMA) 在舞蹈領域被廣泛的運用。然而人體動作的範圍相當廣泛,從單一肢體到複合肢體所表現的動作組合之集合數非常龐大,面對這樣大的集合,若要讓電腦系統有能力進行動作判斷與動作模擬的工程,則動作的數位化與質地的數位化過程是必須先進行的。在資料蒐集後,進而分析動作時發生所包含的質地與情緒意義。根據上述,本研究以拉邦動作分析(Laban Movement Analysis, LMA)理論為基礎,提供一套人體動作質地的數位化流程。藉由標準化人體動作擷取方法的制定,動作評分系統的建置,應用資料探勘技術(Data Mining)進行動作分析,將分析結果儲存為「動作質地資料庫」,並建構動作質地資料交換標準,提供業界或學術上相關研究與應用。


In recent years, most nations are trying hard to advance the development of digital contents. As far as the present technology is concerned, it could say now we have the capabilities to make animation digital games and movies. However, the command of virtual actors movements effort still depends on engineers’ crafts and experiences. The most time engineer often regard the shape, but no quality. In the sports and medicine domains, some European countries and the U.S.A. are trying to integrate the Kinematics and body movements to strengthen the actual sports training, but the present movements analysis technologies don’t consider the variability and flexibility of human bodies and therefore, the analysis results still don’t completely correspond to the actual human movements and also don’t achieve the best effects. Therefore, it is important to advance controlling movement effort for us. Laban Movement Analysis(LMA) is broad used in dance area. This study proposes to provide a digital model and establish a movement data collection platform, it can make dancing experts to decide what efforts in body parts on the movement, then handling the Data Mining with kinematic parameters calculated. To for applications(like dancing, animations, games, health and so on), constructing a movement effort data exchange protocol with XML, it can provides industrial applications and academic research.


LMA Effort Digital Process Movement Acquisition XML


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