  • 學位論文


Strategic Development of Corporate Citizenship:A Case of Chunghwa Telecom

指導教授 : 林鍾沂


隨著企業公民理念的發展,消費者勢力興起,已經成為一股足以影響企業營運的力量。尤其是近幾年,因為資訊流通便捷,愈來愈多消費者關注到企業在獲取利潤的背後,是否犧牲了大眾的福利,像許多血汗工廠、黑心廠商被揭發出來,使得企業形象大受打擊。資本主義在極盛之後,企業已經不再只是獲利的工具,企業社會責任(CSR)的思維提供了全球企業新的省思。   管理大師Michael Porter認為企業社會責任與經營策略結合,將是企業未來新競爭力的來源。本研究以中華電信為實務個案討論的對象,試著將企業社會責任議題與策略做連結,進而發展出完整的分析架構。本研究透過文獻分析法與深度訪談法,從建構企業公民理念並論述其策略意涵,經由個案企業社會作為的研究討論及分析,期望能提供一套系統性的指引方針,作為企業未來發展企業公民策略的參考。   本研究發現可分為理論與實務兩方面:一、在理論上:(一) 在民主社會,企業公民的推動常呈目的和手段相互糾纏;(二) 企業公民的附加價值,有賴產品、管理、社會信任三位一體的綜合。二、在實務上:(一) CSR須奠基於良好的獲利能力之上;(二) 慈善公益策略成為區隔企業的重要特質;(三) 連結內外部資源途徑的多元化。在有限範圍內,企業盡可能地回應社會大眾的期待,管理者必須審慎地篩選值得企業執行的CSR策略並戮力創造價值。


With the development of corporate citizen concept, the customer effort can significantly affect corporate management. Due to the convenience of information communication in recent years, more and more customers started to concern about whether the public welfare was sacrificed for corporate benefits. For example, many manufactures, which are lack of conscience, were revealed. This has seriously damaged the corporate image. After the capitalism took over the society, the corporations were not only regarded as tools for making profits. The corporate social responsibility provides a new thinking for corporations globally.   Michael Porter believed that the integration between social responsibility and strategic management will be the source of future corporate competitiveness. This study targeted on Chunghwa Telecom to connect social responsibility issues with strategies in order to construct a complete analysis structure. Through document analysis and in-depth interview, it is hoped to deliver a series of systematic guidance as references for future development of corporate citizen strategy by formulating corporate citizen concept, discussing its strategies and conducting case study and analysis.   The findings of this research can be divided into theory and practices: 1. Theory: (1) In a democratic society, the purpose and measures are usually interfered with each other through the implementation of corporate citizen strategy; (2) the added value of corporate citizen depends on the integration among product, management and social responsibility. 2. Practices: (1) CSR should be based on good profit earning capability; (2) The charity and public welfare strategy becomes an important characteristic to discriminate corporations; (3) Various ways are available to connect internal resources with external resources. With limited resources, the corporation must make every endeavor to meet social expectations while the managers must carefully select the CSR strategies to maximize corporate value.




