  • 學位論文


A Study of Strategic Development and Volunteer Application in Advocacy Nonprofit Organization

指導教授 : 陳金貴


本研究主要在探究倡議型非營利組織之策略發展及志工運用,以數個不同的倡議型非營利組織作為研究個案。在理論面為公共管理中之非營利組織、策略管理及人力資源管理三部分;而在個案面進一步針對非營利組織中之倡議型作探討,並將策略管理運用在組織,人力資源管理運用在志願服務者,綜合理論與個案面而得出本論文題目。由我國倡議型非營利組織之發展現況著手探討,而後瞭解倡議型非營利組織策略運用之相關概念,再探討倡議型非營利組織之志工運用,最後檢視相關文獻,以作為本研究之基礎。 本研究採取文獻分析法及深度訪談法,主要探討倡議型非營利組織之策略發展與對志工之管理,欲瞭解倡議不同議題類型的非營利組織之間有何不同,研究個案為「社團法人台灣環境資訊協會」、「財團法人中華民國消費者文教基金會」、「財團法人婦女新知基金會」及「財團法人董氏基金會」(依筆劃排序),實際受訪者為「財團法人中華民國消費者文教基金會」及「財團法人婦女新知基金會」。針對志工及其管理者各設計一份訪談題綱,在志工方面欲瞭解的問題分為三面向,分別是動機與承諾,志工之角色、定位及功能,與志工管理。在志工管理者方面,則詢問關於組織之倡議策略,志工之角色、定位及功能,與志工管理三方面。 經過研究發現,倡議型非營利組織選擇倡議途徑的主要因素是其本身特質,如是否具有社會運動色彩等,其次則視其所欲推動的議題而有所調整,如該議題進展的程度,而主要爭取支持的對象及要選擇哪些團體做為結盟夥伴,皆與其所慣用的倡議途徑及欲推動的議題有關。倡議型非營利組織皆將志工視為組織中重要的運作功能之一,也是重要的人力資源。基層志工替正式職員分擔了繁雜的非核心工作,協助使組織各項功能正常運作。高階志工則協助組織進行議題管理,甚至能透過參與委員會或董事會的方式,參與組織工作規劃或重大議題之決策,也是基層志工培訓之重要師資來源。從志工參與及工作動機,可看出志工投入工作前之培訓,及正式接手工作後的定期在職訓練,無形中對志工產生深遠影響。可以從四個個案中觀察到的是,現今倡議型非營利組織的社會運動色彩已然淡化許多,不再以街頭抗爭、示威遊行為主要途徑,也未必進行策略聯盟,而是更多地採取理性方式表達觀點,並利用各種大眾傳播媒體向民眾宣導,企圖爭取支持。


The importance of non-profit organization is increasing nowadays, and some of the organizations are so called advocacy non-profit organizations. What they do is based on social justice, trying to get people notice certain issue, and to make the government modify law, enact new law, or to exercise influence over policy legislation. Different advocacy non-profit organizations that concern with different topics of issue usually take different strategies to promote certain issues. One the other hand, volunteers are essential human resource in nonprofit organizations. However, the ones who work in advocacy non-profit organizations are often misunderstood. They might be regarded as violent protesters while they’re actually not. Therefore, this research is mainly to explore and analyze the advocacy strategy and how volunteers are managed in advocacy non-profit organizations. The study method adapted in this research is literature reviews and depth interview. Taiwan Environmental Information Association (TEIA), Awakening Foundation, Consumers' Foundation, Chinese Taipei (CFCT) and John Tung Foundation as the organizations to explore, and the interviewees are from Awakening Foundation and Consumers' Foundation, Chinese Taipei. What we know from this research is that, the advocacy strategy of an advocacy non-profit organization is mainly influenced by the characteristics of the organization and the issue to promote. For instance, whether the organization involves in social movements or not, and how the issue is making progress. Nowadays, advocacy non-profit organizations are less involved in social movements. They tend to adapt more rational and peaceful way to promote issues, using the mass media and the internet to transfer ideas to target people. Furthermore, how the organization manages volunteers is affected by the characteristics of the organization as well. Volunteers of the basic levels help the staff members with routine works, such as answering consultation calls. And professional ones like lawyers in the organization help board of directors make major decisions. The volunteers regard training lessons as the most important reason why they stay working in the organization, especially the regular on-the-job training lessons. To sum up, the essential issue in an advocacy non-profit organization is the characteristics of the organization and the issue to promote. And the best way to make volunteers stay working in the organization is to offer regular on-the-job training lessons.




白書宇(2016)。倡議型非營利組織策略發展之研究: 以中華民國公教軍警暨退休人員聯合總會為例〔碩士論文,國立臺北大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0023-1005201615104153
