  • 學位論文

菸知非福? 少年吸菸行為影響的因素與中立化歷程

A Study to Explore the Influencing Factors of Smoking Behavior among Adolescents and Examine the Neutralization Theory

指導教授 : 許春金


本研究以質性訪談法來深入了解六位吸菸少年的吸菸歷程及運用中立化理論來檢驗吸菸少年使用哪些中立化技巧來合理化自己的偏差行為。結果發現吸菸少年在吸菸行為常使用的中立化技巧歸納如下: 一、責任的否定:多將原因歸咎於出自好奇心或受吸菸同儕的影響。 二、損害的否定:吸菸的健康危害不會是影響吸菸少年戒菸的主要原因,少年認為目前吸菸對身體無造成明顯影響,甚至對未來菸害造成的疾病或死亡表示不在乎,反而在菸品上的花費對吸菸少年是比較有直接的感受性。 三、被害者的否定:吸菸少年多認為其吸菸會選擇人少或無人的地方,如:小巷子、廁所、較少使用的樓梯間等,並無影響他人。 四、責備責備者:訪談發現吸菸少年問到家人是否有要求他戒菸時,具有「父母吸菸,為何他不行」之觀念。 五、訴諸於更高的忠誠:吸菸少年會因共同的吸菸行為而形成少年的吸菸小團體,並覺得週遭有很多朋友都在吸菸,並沒有什麼關係。 六、宣稱自己行為相對上是可以接受的:少年常將自己的吸菸行為與吸毒作比較,認為只要不碰毒品,吸菸行為在其家中長輩眼中是相對可以接受的。 另外問到吸菸少年對於未來菸價調漲的看法,吸菸少年表示會選擇以少抽或尋找其他的替代品來取代,如:電子菸。最後希望本研究結果能作為未來進行少年戒菸教育的參考資源以及政府制定菸品相關政策的參考依據。


This study engaged in in-depth interviews with six adolescents about their smoking behaviors and examined how the techniques of neutralization theory applied to their justifications of the behaviors. The neutralization theory includes five techniques, including denial of responsibility, denial of injury, denial of a victim, condemnation of condemners, and appeal to higher loyalties. Our study found that the most common neutralization shared among the interviewers were denial of the responsibility. Adolescents attributed their smoking behavior to curiosity or the influences from their peers. Second, we found that the adverse health outcomes were not a concern to adolescents nor would that be the reason for them to quit. In fact, they felt smoking had no obvious impact on their health and took the risk of death or damage to body lightly. Instead of health issue, the cost of cigarettes was more concerning to them. Third, adolescent smokers denied their behaviors were harmful to others as they usually smoke at places that had less or no people around. Forth, some adolescents perceived prohibiting them from smoking is unfair, because their family members also smoke or they were educated that “smoking is better than taking drugs”, and viewed the school smoking cessation program unnecessary. Lastly, adolescents justify the smoking activities were to consider loyalty to his friends .The study also found the adolescents usually compared using the drugs with smoking and claimed their behavior relative acceptability In addition, the study obtained their views on a higher cigarette prices. Adolescents reports they might reduce the amount of cigarette use or find a substitute, such as e-cigarettes. This study provides useful insights and resources for developing adolescent smoking cessation educational programs. The study may serve as a reference for future policy decisions to pertinent authorities.


張景然、王珮蘭(2004)。吸菸行為的形成、持續、戒斷與復發歷程。中華心理衛生學刊,17(4), 29-66。
