  • 學位論文


A study on the Effect of Temple Aesthetic Sensation towards Visitor Satisfaction - Visitor Motivation as Moderating Variables

指導教授 : 劉仲矩


「美學」近來受到各界廣泛討論與應用,美學不限於實體的外在,包括了感官的感受。人們以視覺、嗅覺、味覺、觸覺及聽覺等五感體會著周遭環境的變化,並做出選擇與鑑賞即為美學感知。美學概念的盛行已融入於生活周遭,無論食、衣、住、行、育樂皆與美學的應用相結合。 宗教旅遊在臺灣已是一項重要的休閒活動,特別是過年過節時民眾總是人山人海的湧向廟宇祭拜,一方面旅遊,一方面也滿足心靈寄託並祈求平安,這樣的結果無形中加速了廟宇管理的競爭,雖然廟宇是一種非營利組織,但如何帶給訪客心靈上的感動與視覺上的藝術饗宴,讓他們離開後在心中留下深刻印象,已是一個成功的廟宇必需不斷進步的。廟宇如何應用及發展藝術文化,讓廟宇空間及經營融入藝術元素,透過廟宇美學知覺的概念,進而提昇訪客滿意度,並探討多元的廟宇訪客動機對於廟宇美學知覺與訪客滿意度是否有所影響。 本研究採階層迴歸分析,研究結果顯示「廟宇美學知覺」對於「訪客滿意度」有顯著差異,且「訪客動機」確實有干擾效果,成立之假說為:(1)「廟宇美學知覺−標示指引」對「訪客滿意度−文化洗禮」及「訪客滿意度−心靈慰藉」有顯著影響。(2)「廟宇美學知覺−宗教儀式」對「訪客滿意度−文化洗禮」及「訪客滿意度−心靈慰藉」有顯著影響。(3)「訪客動機−藝術欣賞」對「訪客滿意度−文化洗禮」有顯著影響。(4)「廟宇美學知覺−宗教儀式」與「訪客動機−藝術欣賞」因素交互作用對「訪客滿意度−文化洗禮」有顯著影響。盼本研究結果能對廟宇美學領域添加新研究範疇,同時提供廟方管理者於應用廟宇美學提昇訪客滿意度時的參考方向。


訪客動機 訪客滿意度 廟宇 美學


"Aesthetics" has recently been a subject of discussion and application in various fields of study. Aesthetics applies to cosmetic as well as to human senses. Human uses sight, smell, taste,touch and hearing as the five senses to feel the changes in surrounding, and make selections or appreciations based on these senses; this is referred to as Aesthetic sensation. The concept of aesthetics is so common that its application is integrated in daily necessities and activities which include food, clothing, housing,transportation, and entertainment. Religion tourism is an integral part of leisure life for Taiwanese, especially during traditional festivals where temples are often crowded with people for temple sightseeing as well as to fulfill spiritual needs and to pray for safety and peace. As a result, competitions between these non-profitable temples are intensified and in order to maintain popularity and success, it is essential to impress visitors by continuous improvements on the spiritual satisfaction and visual pleasure that they can deliver. How temples apply and develop aesthetic culture by including artistic elements in temples space and management, through the concept of temple aesthetic sensation, improves visitor satisfaction. Also, the effect of different visitor motivations on temple aesthetic sensation and visitor satisfaction is studied. Through hierarchical regression analysis, result shows that "Temple Aesthetic Sensation" has a significant effect on "Visitor Satisfaction" and "visitor motivation" does have a moderating effect. The main results support the hypotheses that (1)"Temple Aesthetic Sensation - Sign and Direction" has significant effect on "Visitor Satisfaction - culture baptism" and "Visitor Satisfaction - spiritual consolation" (2)"Temple Aesthetic Sensation - Religion rituals" has significant effect on "Visitor Satisfaction - culture baptism" and "Visitor Satisfaction - spiritual consolation" (3)"Visitor motivation - Art appreciation" has significant effect on "Visitor 4 Satisfaction - culture baptism"and (4)"Temple Aesthetic Sensation - Religion rituals" and "Visitor motivation - Art appreciation" interact to cause significant effect on "Visitor Satisfaction - culture aptism". With respect that the result of this study can bring temple aesthetic research a new material for ongoing study and provide a reference direction for those organizations plan to implement temple aesthetic to improve visitor satisfaction.


