  • 學位論文


The Study on Consumer Motivation and Decision-Making Behavior of Postnatal Care Institutions

指導教授 : 吳泰熙


坐月子文化一直是東方人的傳統習俗,更被視為產後婦女身體調養的關鍵時期。但近年來社會型態與國人人口結構轉變,伴隨小家庭型態的趨勢,由家中長輩為產婦坐月子已不單單是生育家族唯一選擇的產後照護與調養方式,隨之漸漸透過專業照護服務來取代傳統坐月子模式,促使產後護理機構應運而生。本研究從消費者的立場,並以Maslow需求層級理論為核心,探討不同特性之潛在消費者對產後護理機構需求與決策行為的關聯,及其在選擇產後護理機構的評估考量為何?並盼研究結果能提供這不受少子化現象影響的藍海產業經營者作為參考,以更貼近消費者需求,創造競爭差異達到永續經營。 本研究以20歲以上有生育意願消費者為研究對象,透過線上問卷的方式進行調查,共得有效樣本數為265份。運用SPSS 22軟體進行資料建檔與統計分析,除先對量表採探索性因素分析(EFA)進行信效度分析,並透過變異數分析、卡方檢定及二元羅吉斯分析等進行問卷資料相關統計分析。 研究結果顯示,44.53%的民眾認為產婦應在產後護理機構調養22~30天,而有11%的人支持應調養一個月以上為佳;可接受坐月子期間花費為NT$75,000~NT$120,000元;有關選擇坐月子方式及費用多認同應由夫妻雙方共同決定與負擔;在選擇產後護理機構時重視的因素依序為合理的價格、住宿環境及嬰兒照護服務;以滿足產後恢復與專業諮詢動機為首要需求;同時發現「婚姻狀況」、「籍貫」及「曾經使用產後護理機構」都與消費者對產婦傾向的坐月子方式有顯著關聯。


In oriental culture, the confinement is a very considerable factor which is regarded as a critical period of postpartum female body to be recovered or even getting better. But in recent years, the social patterns of people with demographic change with the trend of small family patterns. By family elders to maternal confinement is not just the only option for birth family care and postpartum recuperation mode, followed by gradually through professional care services to replace the traditional confinement mode which enables post-natal care institutions came into being. In this study, from the consumer's standpoint and Maslow needs hierarchy theory as the core, to explore different characteristics of potential consumers associate postpartum care institutions and decision-making behavior of demand and its consideration in the choice of post-natal care institutions to assess why? The results can provide blue ocean industry operators as a reference to closer to consumer demand and create competitive differentiation to achieve sustainable development. In this study, there are more than 20 years of fertility desire of consumers for the study, conducted the survey questionnaire through online mode a total of 265 valid samples obtained parts. Performed using SPSS 22 software, data archiving and statistical analysis, with the exception of the first scale mining exploratory factor analysis (EFA) reliability and validity analysis, and through the analysis of variance, chi-square test and binary logistic regression model questionnaire relevant statistical data analysis. The results showed that 44.53% of people believe that women should be nursed back to health in post-natal care facility 22 to 30 days, while 11 percent support more than one month should be nursed back to health is better, the confinement period is acceptable to spend NT$75,000~NT$120,000 between, on selecting confinement methods and costs more recognition by both spouses jointly decided and burdens, post-natal care in the choice of institutions important factor in order, is a reasonable price, accommodation and infant care services, to meet with postpartum recovery professional consulting primary motivation demand, also found that "marital status", "place of origin" and "post-natal care organizations have used" related to the tendency of consumers to maternal confinement methods are significantly related.


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